A Dangerous Situation

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A Dangerous Situation by Mind Map: A Dangerous Situation

1. Setting

1.1. by the road

1.1.1. after school

2. Charecters

2.1. Me

2.1.1. onlookers driver

3. Problem

3.1. I wanted to get home as fast as I can.

3.1.1. I do not want to use the overhead bridge, I wanted to dash the road,

4. Outcome

4.1. When the road seemed empty to me, I dashed across the road.

4.2. I was hit by a car.

5. Outcome 2

5.1. I was brought to the hospital.

5.1.1. I had fractured some bones.

6. Conclusion

6.1. I resolved to take the overhead bridge.

6.2. I will never dash across the road ever again.

6.3. I learnt a lesson.