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1.1. Media Ecology

1.1.1. Media Ecology looks at how media and communication effects humans.

1.1.2. The Study of media as environments

1.1.3. Looks at the role media plays on human behaviour, thinking, and feeling.

1.1.4. Looks at how the environment of media imposes roles and rules

1.1.5. Implications for education: teachers can keep track of how focused/on-task students are with the use of different technologies.

1.2. Social Construction of Technology (SCOT)

1.2.1. SCOT: Argues that technology is shaped by humans

1.2.2. SCOT is the opposite of Media Ecology, it looks at the way humans affect technology

1.2.3. The Principle of Symmetry aims to assess and explain the success/failure of a piece of technology

1.2.4. Interpretive flexibility means that the technology has different meanings and interpretations for different groups of people. The more people interpret a technology as being useful, the more successful the product is

1.2.5. Implications for education: teacher can decide whichtechnology is best suited for the activity planned


2.1. A framework that identifies the various domains that a teacher would need to be successful.

2.1.1. Content Knowledge (CK)): Knowledge of Subject Areas

2.1.2. Pedagogical Knowledge (PK)- Knowledge of how to teach.

2.1.3. Technological Knowledge (TK)- Knowledge of the different types of technological tools that can be integrated into teaching and knowing how to use them.

2.2. In order to effectively integrate technology in the classroom, it is important to develop a sensitivity to the dynamic relationship between the three different types of knowledge.



3.1. Cognitive Load

3.1.1. Two types of memory: 1) Working Memory 2) Long Term Memory

3.1.2. Working Memory: Where the thinking happens It is composed of a visual scratch pad,and a phonetic scratch pad

3.1.3. When the working memory has to process too much info at once, overload happens.

3.1.4. Schemas are complex patterns of information stored in our long term memory

3.1.5. For content to move from working memory to long term memory a person has to be able to make connections between existing knowledge and knowledge stored in the working memory

3.1.6. Ease Cognitive Load in the classroom by having less distractions and asking students to do one thing at a time

3.2. Connectivism

3.2.1. Learning happens when connections are made

3.2.2. Learning happens in many ways: Youtube, blogs, courses, conversations,web searches etc.

3.2.3. Knowledge is socially constructed, it is important for student to exposed to and to explore several perspectives

3.2.4. Methods used in classroom for connectivism: networking, sharing of knowledge, collaborative creation of knowledge

3.3. Behavioursim

3.3.1. All behaviours are acquired through conditioning

3.3.2. Response to environmental stimuli conditions behaviour

3.3.3. Classical Conditioning: Technique used in behavioural training. First Natural Stimulus is paired with response, then a neutral stimulus is paired with a natural stimulus. Eventually the neutral stimulus is capable of producing the same results that the natural stimulus can.

3.3.4. Operant Conditioning: Occurs through the use of rewards and punishments.

3.3.5. Methods used in the calssroom for Behaviourism: drills and practice, lectures, and multiple choice tests.

3.4. Constructivism

3.4.1. Based on the idea that new knowledge is constructed; new knowledge is built on the foundation of existing knowledge

3.4.2. The learner is the creator of his own knowledge. When we encounter something knew we need to reconcile it with our previous knowledge, changing what we believe or choosing not to include the new information

3.4.3. The teacher is the facilitators, guiding students based on preconceptions to solve real world problems and enhance their understanding

3.4.4. Teachers encourage learning and reflection

3.4.5. Student-centered Approach: Students ask questions and carry out experiments to find answers.

3.4.6. Methods used in calssroom: Collaborative group work, peer grading self-guided learning.


4.1. A teachers philosophy on how they will use teachnology

4.2. Many teachers choose to have a written statement of their philosophy of teachnology to better direct their technological practices in the classroom.

4.3. To develop a philosophy of teachnology a teacher can ask questions like:

4.3.1. How will technology be used in my classroom to enhance the learning experience?

4.3.2. How can technology be used to motivate the students?

4.3.3. How can students be educated in being responsible digital citizens?