Input and Output Devices

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Input and Output Devices by Mind Map: Input and Output Devices

1. Monitor

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1.2. Monitors and printers are the most common output devices

2. Printer

2.1. Monitors and printers are the most common output devices

3. I believe the benefits of adding inputs and outputs in the classroom would be that most students would be more interesting in using computers rather than notebooks, or textbooks because our technology has advance so much that using it in the classroom brings some sort of excitement that allows to keep their attention while they browse the monitor with colorful pictures, animated backgrounds, and filled with fun electronic voices. Some of the challenges that can invade our classrooms are social networks websites, and students getting distracted by printing things that are not school related. Computers are able to open the door to the world because they are filled with a lot of data that alone is a huge benefit from students and a fascinating application to learning.

4. Mouse

4.1. We hope you'll have fun with MindMeister ...

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4.3. ... and some great ideas too!

5. Keyboard

5.1. The keyboard and the mouse are parts of the computer that perform input devices.

6. Personal computers or PC’s are composed of a number of physical machinery and these are also known as the computer hardware.

6.1. The CPU is one of the parts of the computer that performs both output and input.