Ch. 6 and 7

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Ch. 6 and 7 by Mind Map: Ch. 6 and 7

1. Sexuality In Local Culture

1.1. Machsimo - Normal day to day way of life. Women and men participants.

1.1.1. Celso machsimo. Abusive, expects Marilia to be submisive

1.2. Sexuality is used by Cariocas in their everyday language and description of life. Sexual joking and teasing is friendly banter.

1.2.1. Yet, when Mauro jokes about having a sexual encounter with both Gloria and Soneca, Gloria feels it is too far

1.3. Open, permissive approach to sexuality. Sex positive attitude toward life.

1.4. Flirting is a game. Not a way of objectifying women.

2. Masculinety and Heterosexuality

2.1. Wealthy - bland sex.

2.2. Not wealthy - great sex.

2.3. If a man goes without sex for too long, they can go insane

2.4. Gloria encourages her 18 year old sone to "screw around"