Validity & Reliability

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Validity & Reliability by Mind Map: Validity & Reliability

1. Validity

1.1. Construct Validity Evidence

1.1.1. - Deals with the relationship between data and theory

1.2. Validity Content Validity Evidence

1.2.1. - Simplest

1.2.2. - Inspect test quests to see if they correspond with what should be on the test

1.3. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

1.3.1. - Scores from a test are associated with an outside criterion

1.3.2. Predictive Validity Evidence o Most common type of Criterion-Related Validity Evidence o Criterion now will predict assessment later

1.3.3. Concurrent Criterion-Related Validity Evidence o A test mimics another test to measure for validity

2. Reliability

2.1. Test–Retest or Stability

2.1.1. - Is as it seems, test are given twice and the scores from both test are compared for the test’s reliability

2.2. Alternate Forms or Equivalence

2.2.1. - Two equivalent alternate forms of test are given out to test the test’s reliability

2.3. Internal Consistency

2.3.1. - Items within the test should be covalent with each other is they are testing similar things.