Choose one or two different Harry Potter 'texts' and analyse them using these guiding questions. ...

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Choose one or two different Harry Potter 'texts' and analyse them using these guiding questions. Represent your ideas in a mind map (or similiar tool) and share your ideas with our google+ community. by Mind Map: Choose one or two different Harry Potter 'texts' and analyse them using these guiding questions.  Represent your ideas in a mind map (or similiar tool) and share your ideas with our google+ community.

1. Who is the intended audience/ viewer of the text?

2. Who is the author?

3. How is the text produced and distributed?

4. Has 'new media'/ the internet influenced the production/ distribution of this text? If so, how?

5. Does the text demonstrate aspects of intertextuality, de contextualisation or re contextualisation?

6. What is the purpose of the text?

7. How is the text composed?

8. What genre does this text belong to? How does the genre influence the way we view the text?

9. What are some of the broader social/ cultural implications of the text?

10. How does the text engage our senses? What modalities are used?