Research Paper

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Research Paper by Mind Map: Research Paper

1. Requiements

1.1. MLA Format

1.2. Double Spaced, 12-Point Times New Roman

1.3. 6-7 Pages (Not Including Works Cited)

1.4. Find 1 Additional Short Story

1.5. Find 4 Additional Pieces of Research and Criticism

1.5.1. Biographies of Author

1.5.2. History of Topic

1.5.3. Another Writer's Criticism about the Story

1.5.4. Research can back-up or disagree with the paper.

1.6. No Internet Sources

2. 1. Think about your topic

2.1. What's your goal for this paper?

2.1.1. Specific grade? B+

2.2. Questions

2.2.1. What did Feminists think of Hemingway and this story?

2.2.2. Was this text banned?

2.2.3. What was the 1920's stance on Abortion?

2.2.4. Were there any stories in the 1920's that reference abortion?

2.2.5. What is the opposite of Feminism? Chauvinism?

3. 2. Research

3.1. Compile some ideas

3.2. Supporting sources

3.2.1. Find examples Passing of the 19th Amendment (1920) Women's Rights to Vote

3.2.2. Find relevant quotes

3.2.3. References Books F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Beautiful and Damned" (1922) News sources Plays Clifford Odets' "Till the Day I Die" (1935) Supporting Data Expert reports Third party research Survey data Size of topic

4. 3. Structure

4.1. Decide on your topic focus

4.1.1. Feminism in the 1920's

4.2. Create list of facts

4.3. Organize facts into categories

4.4. Create chapters from categories

4.4.1. Introduction - why are you writing about this?

4.4.2. Subhead 1

4.4.3. Subhead 2

4.4.4. Subhead 3

4.4.5. Conclusion - what summarizes what is most interesting about your topic?

5. 4. Write and Edit

5.1. Don't be afraid to edit. Simple, memorable information is hard and requires filtering.

6. Administration

6.1. Deadlines

6.1.1. 8/12/2013

6.1.2. 3:00 PM

6.1.3. White Hall in person

6.1.4. North Hall Mailbox

6.2. Contacts

6.2.1. Rebecca Shafir [email protected]

6.2.2. Chris Small [email protected]

7. 5. Proofread & Finalize

7.1. Cover Page

7.2. Table of Contents

7.3. Bibliography

8. 6