Discipline and an IEP

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Discipline and an IEP by Mind Map: Discipline and an IEP

1. Under law schools may create rules to regulate students and create a safe learning environment. These rules must be made clear to student and apply to all students.

2. Schools may impose reasonable consequences if rules are broken. These consequences must apply to all and may not be used for discrimination.

3. Schools may impose reasonable, pre-determined consequences if rules are broken. Consequences may not be used in a discriminatory fashion.

4. Student with an IEP are not exempt from the rules and consequences that govern a school. Disruptive behavior, noncompliance, verbal and physical abuse, property distruction, and agression are not allowed but allowances can be made if the action is related to the disability.

4.1. Behavior occurs with student with an IEP leading to consequence

4.2. School official may remove student without parental consent for up to 9 school days (consecutively or cumulatively) with written or oral charges

4.3. If student misses 10 or more school days it is considered a change of placement. Before 10 days are reached and/or if a pattern is noticed an IEP meeting should be held and an order to conduct a functional behavior assessment should be done.

4.3.1. A functional behavior assessment searches for an explanation behind problem behavior and is used to develop a behavior intervention plan Behavior Intervention Plan includes current levels of performance, measur eable goals and objectives, services and accommodations, service providers, and means by which parents will be informed of progress. Must be reviewed annually. Behavior Intervention plan seeks to reduce inappropriate behavior by having a proactive, multidimensional plan that includes positive behavioral incentives to increase socially positive behaviors. Functional behavioral assessment must be revised within 10 business days if student has repeated suspension leading to more than 10 days, brings a weapon or drugs to school or on school property, or a manifestations meeting determines that a misconduct is related to the student's disability.

4.3.2. When a student has been suspended for 10 days or more the parents must be provided with written notice prior to the initiation of the change and provide consent for a prolonged suspension. Parents may invoke a stay in place of services until a manifestation meeting to determine if misbehavior is related to the disability is concluded and a decision is made. In this case all services would continue as outlined in the IEP. Manifestation determination meetings must be held within 10 days of the misconduct. They are intended to determine if the behavior is related to the student"s disability.

4.3.3. Students that miss 10 or more days of school due to suspension must be provided outside educational services, such as a tutor, to maintain FAPE.

4.4. Students, regardless of having an IEP or not, that bring a weapon or drugs on to school grounds or to a school activity, or invoke serious bodily harm to another on school grounds get an automatic 45 days suspension.

4.4.1. Students will continue school at an interim setting while expulsion hearings are conducted.

4.5. In school consequences are almost always upheld if the case is brought to court: time out, and in-school suspension.