Facebook Content Ideas

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Facebook Content Ideas by Mind Map: Facebook Content Ideas

1. Useful links to fill in your lean canvas

2. 8. Other people post you a screenshot

3. 9. Questions

3.1. Ex: Have you done this?

3.2. Ex: Has anyone tried xyz, If so...

4. 10. Value post

4.1. Story with tips / training

4.2. Start with a result or problem usually include an image, no CTA

5. 11. Trigger posts

5.1. Anything people have a strong opinion on, Ex: thoughts on college?

6. 12. Q&A Post

6.1. Questions around your niche

6.2. Question around most viral mistake

6.3. Question around your audience facing problem

7. 13. Promo posts

7.1. Special offers

7.2. Bonuses

7.3. New lead magnets

7.4. New offers

8. 14. Lead Magnets

9. 1. News/Sharestuff about your personal life

9.1. What are you doing?

9.2. Updates

9.3. Results

10. 2. Mistakes you see

10.1. The biggest mistake I see is xyz

10.2. Ever made this?

10.3. Solution to problem

11. 3. Bait post

11.1. Who wants to know I xyz.

11.2. Pain

11.3. Desire

12. 4. Something you learned

13. 5. Connecting post

13.1. Who in here xyz?

14. 6. Polls around your industry / audience

14.1. What do you struggle with most?

14.2. Alternative

15. 7. Go to live with your audience

15.1. Insatgram

15.2. Facebook

15.3. Tiktok