Input and Output

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Input and Output by Mind Map: Input and Output

1. Input takes data in.

2. Keyboards are an example of input.

3. Benefits of keyboards are some are wireless. Some keyboards are built into the computer and they make inputting data easier if one knows how to type

4. Disadvantages of a keyboards are that the keys can get stuck making typing difficult. The keys in time can come off the keyboard. Depending on the type of keyboard one has liquid can cause them to short out.

5. Application for learning: Knowledge of keyboarding makes it possible to input data for documents, power points, and excel for either work, or school. Instead of handwriting information.

6. Out sends data out.

7. Printers are an example of output.

8. Benefits of a printer is it can scan and print copies. Printers can be used to fax information. Some printers now have the capability to staple copies together if need be.

9. Disadvantages of a printer is that they tend to get jammed. They require a lot of toner depending on how much printing is done. They can malfunction doing a printing job either printing to many jobs at one time, or not printing a job at all.

10. Applications for learning: Printers do more than just print documents they are able to store and print photos. Some printers are even 3-D now.