Test and Scores

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Test and Scores by Mind Map: Test and Scores

1. Validity

1.1. Content Validity Evidentce

1.2. Criterion Related Validity Evidence

1.2.1. Concurrent Criterion Related Evidence

1.2.2. Predictive Validity Evidence

1.3. Construct Validity Evidence

2. Reliability

2.1. Test-Retest or Stability

2.2. Alternate Forms of Equivalence

2.2.1. Task

2.2.2. Prerequisites

2.3. Internal Consistency

2.3.1. Task

2.3.2. Prerequisites

3. Reliability Coefficients

3.1. Group Variability affect size

3.2. Scoring relibility limits test score reliability

3.3. Factors being equal, the more items, the higher the reliability of te scores

3.4. Reliability of test scores tend to decrease as test become to easy or too difficult

4. Validity Coefficients

4.1. Concurrent validity coefficients are generally higher than predictive validity coefficients

4.2. Group variability affects teh sized of the validity coefficient

4.3. The relevance and reliability of the criterion should be considered in the interpretation of validity coefficients