YMRA MH Residents Guide

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YMRA MH Residents Guide by Mind Map: YMRA MH Residents Guide

1. Legal Resources/Codes

1.1. DISCLAIMER - YMRA does not give legal advice. This site contains many links to information prepared and posted by others. YMRA is only providing a collection of possible resources that may be of help to you. YMRA makes no endorsements, nor is YMRA responsible for information or content provided through outside links (links that take you away from this site). This site is to bring general information to you. You are responsible for your own research and due diligence.

1.2. This section will eventually be revised with the names of each agency or proper title, and then the additional file (the next section clicked) will be the link associated with that name. Each will also eventually include a brief description of what to expect within the information or webpage you are taken to.


1.3.1. Legal Shield is a network of attorneys. There is a nominal cost to be a member. Considering the everyday occurances that take place where if an attorney were available to talk to, as well as being the YMRA Chairman (considering liabilities and various issues), I joined and found this to be an extremely important reasource that everyone should have. Click the link below and explore the site to learn more. This could easily be the solution that you are looking for.

1.3.2. http://www.jaslaick.legalshieldassociate.com After reviewing information, Select "Buy Now" When you are asked for Associate information, enter John A Slaick, Associate number 127420859

1.4. Mobile Home Residency Law (MRL) The majority of mobile home park issues will be found under Mobilehome Residency Law. You can start here with the first link being the main site. We will eventually break down into sub categories to reference specific issues.

1.4.1. Mobile Home Residency Law (MRL) http://mobilehomes.senate.ca.gov/sites/mobilehomes.senate.ca.gov/files/2016_mrl_-_cover_intro_statutes.pdf

1.4.2. By Topic/Alphabet http://www.hcd.ca.gov/codes/mobilehome-special-occupancy-parks/docs/mrl-index.pdf

1.4.3. http://mobilehomes.senate.ca.gov/publications

1.5. California Department of Housing and Community Development Mobilehome Ombudsman

1.5.1. http://www.hcd.ca.gov/codes/occupational-licensing/ombpg-menu.html

1.6. GSMOL - Golden State Manufactured-Homeowners League

1.6.1. http://www.gsmol.org/

1.7. Senate Bills on Manufactured Home Communities

1.7.1. http://mobilehomes.senate.ca.gov/legislation

1.8. List of California Codes

1.8.1. http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/calaw.html

1.8.2. California Legislative Information http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes.xhtml

1.9. CA Dept of Housing & Community Development

1.9.1. http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD

1.9.2. Mobilehome & Special Occupancy Parks Program http://www.hcd.ca.gov/codes/mobilehome-special-occupancy-parks/authority.html

1.9.3. Health & Safety Code Reference. Div 13, Housing, Part 2.1, Mobilehome Parks Act. http://www.hcd.ca.gov/codes/mobilehome-special-occupancy-parks/healthandsafetycode.html

1.10. City of Yuaipa - Administrative Rules

1.10.1. http://yucaipa.org/residents/mobilehome-rent-stabilization-program/applications-and-forms/

1.11. City of Yucaipa - Rent Review Commission

1.11.1. http://yucaipa.org/government/commissions-and-committees/list/mobilehome-rent-review/

1.12. City of Yucaipa - Mobile Home Rent Stabilization Ordinance

1.12.1. http://yucaipa.org/residents/mobilehome-rent-stabilization-program/

1.13. Mobile Home Park Disputes

1.13.1. http://www.caltenantlaw.com/Mobilehome.htm

1.14. # Law Firms/Attorneys/Legal aid

1.14.1. Legal Shield http://www.jaslaick.legalshieldassociate.com After reviewing information, Select "Buy Now" When you are asked for Associate information, enter John A Slaick, Associate number 127420859

1.14.2. Senior Center Legal Aid

1.14.3. https://www.justia.com/lawyers/california/san-bernardino-county/legal-aid-and-pro-bono-services

1.14.4. http://www.probono.net/oppsguide/organization.76321-Legal_Aid_Society_of_San_Bernardino

1.15. San Bernardino County Services

1.15.1. http://www.sbcounty.gov/main/services.asp?show=a-d

1.16. San bernardina Bar Association

1.16.1. http://www.sbcba.org/

1.17. San Bernardino County Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk

1.17.1. http://www.sbcounty.gov/arc/

1.18. Senior Housing: Discrimination & Children

1.18.1. http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/fair_housing_equal_opp/seniors

1.19. California Law - California Government Code

1.19.1. http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/calawquery?codesection=gov

1.20. California Welfare and Institutions Code

1.20.1. http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/calawquery?codesection=wic

1.20.2. Elder Abuse http://law.onecle.com/california/welfare/15610.07.html

1.21. http://cms.sbcounty.gov/lus/buildingsafety.aspx

1.22. http://www.dca.ca.gov/publications/landlordbook/discrimination.shtml

1.23. http://codes.lp.findlaw.com/cacode/HSC/1

1.24. http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/.html/civ_table_of_contents.html

1.25. http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/calawquery?codesection=pen

1.26. https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/pubs/vctop/vc/vc

1.27. http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/calawquery?codesection=hsc

1.28. https://www.backgroundalert.com/pa/cl?pl=toparticle

1.29. http://www.caltenantlaw.com/ResLaw.htm

1.30. http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/calawquery?codesection=gov

1.31. http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD

1.32. https://law.resource.org/pub/table01.html

1.33. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text

1.34. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_of_Federal_Regulations

1.35. http://www.irs.gov/Tax-Professionals/Tax-Code,-Regulations-and-Official-Guidance

1.36. http://www.loc.gov/law/help/statutes.php

1.37. San Bernardino County - Department of Aiging

1.37.1. https://hss.sbcounty.gov/daas/

1.38. Ombudsman - Mobile home Park Complaints

1.38.1. http://www.hcd.ca.gov/codes/occupational-licensing/omb_poster_english_final.pdf

1.39. IFHMB - Inland Fair Housing Mediation Board

1.39.1. http://ifhmb.com/home/mediation/mobile-home/?gclid=CKePubaM4MYCFchlfgodJDUJNg

1.40. Report Crime Anonymously

1.40.1. http://wetip.com/

1.41. Rip Off Report

1.41.1. File your review: Complaints - Reviews - Scams - Lawsuits - Frauds Reported. http://www.ripoffreport.com/

1.42. http://www.businessconsumeralliance.org/file-complaint?gclid=CjwKEAjwla2tBRDY7YK9uKXe8R8SJAAhG6LGbxY2XxFxIllvlNSdkW44ztqNcFKhXSobx0CF2K3KDxoCnSPw_wcB

1.43. Industry Magazine

1.43.1. http://comocal.org/

1.43.2. http://comocal.org/?p=11327

1.44. ACLU/American Civil Liberties Union

1.44.1. https://www.aclu.org/

1.45. NAACP/National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

1.45.1. http://www.naacp.org/

1.46. Stalking

1.46.1. https://www.victimsofcrime.org/our-programs/stalking-resource-center

1.47. Sex Offenders

1.47.1. http://www.meganslaw.com/

1.48. RAINN - Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network

1.48.1. https://www.rainn.org/get-help

1.49. Discrimination

1.49.1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Department_of_Fair_Employment_and_Housing

1.49.2. DFEH/Department of Fair Housing - Video https://www.youtube.com/user/CalifDFEH

1.49.3. Legal Right to Sue http://www.lmu.edu/Assets/Guide+for+Complainants+and+Respondents+Pamphlet.pdf

1.49.4. http://www.dca.ca.gov/publications/landlordbook/discrimination.shtml

1.49.5. http://www.dfeh.ca.gov/Publications_Unruh.htm

1.49.6. http://www.dfeh.ca.gov/Complaints_ComplaintProcess.htm

1.49.7. http://www.dfeh.ca.gov/

1.49.8. http://www.dfeh.ca.gov/pciform.htm

1.49.9. http://www.dfeh.ca.gov/Complaints_RTSNotice.htm

1.49.10. http://www.rehab.cahwnet.gov/DisabilityAccessInfo/Fair-Employment-n-Housing-Act.html

1.49.11. http://www.homemods.org/resources/pages/rights.shtml

1.49.12. http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/california-housing-discrimination.html

1.50. By Topic

1.50.1. Discrimination/Racial Issues http://www.dca.ca.gov/publications/landlordbook/discrimination.shtml

1.51. Vehicles

1.51.1. California Lemon Law http://www.dca.ca.gov/acp/pdf_files/englemn.pdf

1.52. National Fair Housing Advocate Online

1.52.1. HOPE - Housing for Older People

1.52.2. http://www.fairhousing.com/index.cfm?method=page.display&pageid=663

1.53. YELP - Post a review about local business (including mobile home parks)

1.53.1. http://m.yelp.com/yucaipa-ca-us

1.54. Better Business Bureau

1.54.1. http://www.bbb.org/central-california-inland-empire/accredited-business-directory

1.55. Helpful Organizations

1.55.1. CANHR - California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform http://www.canhr.org/index.html

2. Issues - Common Complaints

2.1. Open Forum

2.1.1. http://www.topix.com/forum/city/anaheim-ca/TJ895LO8D28IBORT5#! http://www.topix.com/forum/city/yucaipa-ca/#

2.1.2. https://forum.mobilehome.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=84909

2.2. Manager not doing...

2.2.1. Not doing job

2.2.2. Not treating everyone the same #28 Can the park manager force rules on some residents and not on others? No. The MRL provides that the park rules and regulations have to be “reasonable.” (Civil Code §798.56(d)) “Reasonable” often may be subject to court interpretation, but normally rules have to have some rational basis in fact under the circumstances, as well as apply evenly to everyone residing in the park. Park owners and their employees are required to abide by park rules to the same extent as residents have to, except rules regarding age limits or acts of the park owner or park employee undertaken to fulfill park maintenance, management or operational responsibilities (making noise by pounding nails, use of trucks for maintenance purposes, etc.). (Civil Code Sec. 798.23) Recap: ● Park rules shall be applied evenly to everyone residing in the park. Reference #28 http://www.rentalprotectionagency.com/tenant-rights/manager-harrasment

2.2.3. Picking on me

2.3. Trees

2.4. Drugs

2.5. Selling coach

2.6. Neighbors

2.6.1. http://www.dowdalllaw.com/Park-Watch-July-2011.pdf

2.7. 7/11/15 Q @ YMRA open meeting Notice given to tenants - No cash accepted for rent payment; only checks or money orders. Hidden Village Mobile Home Estates, 12582 2ns St. 909-797-1561

2.7.1. http://ask-a-lawyer.freeadvice.com/law-questions/can-a-landord-refuse-to-a-148434.htm From the above link: Question Details: The new property manager of a trailer park where many of the tenants have been paying rent in cash for decades has said he will now only accept checks or money orders, not cash. Can he refuse to accept legal tender like that? Asked on 8/8/2012 under:Landlord / TenantCalifornia - Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Follow us: @FreeAdviceNews on Twitter | freeadvice on Facebook It is possible that the landlord can now refuse cash for rent from a tenant after years of receiving such. Many landlords prefer a paper trail such as checks to be copied for deposit. Whether or not the landlord can contractually refuse to accept cash depends upon what your presumed written lease states. Read more: http://ask-a-lawyer.freeadvice.com/law-questions/can-a-landord-refuse-to-a-148434.htm#ixzz3fo5kFlLb Under Creative Commons License: Attribution Follow us: @FreeAdviceNews on Twitter | freeadvice on Facebook

2.8. 7/11/15 Termites - In tree between coaches

2.8.1. Thought possibility San Bernardino Vector Control. Does not look like termites fall under this section. KEEP LOOKING

3. Resources

3.1. Charitable/Volunteer

3.1.1. http://www.justserve.org Contact Romney Elswerth 909-965-2755 &/or Debbie Harber (Yucaipa area). Both gather service projects & enter to website. Met with Debbie Harber 7/6/15. She needs confirmation of our non profit status, something about what we do and how we are trying to help. For now, Tony will take the MH resident concern. There will later be a point person that will process the concern "Start to finish"as the lead and along with a volunteer STAFF (our YMRA volunteer help). This Point Person/Lead will take the information/concern from the MH resident, visit the site, survey the need, legitimacy and the type of help (volunteers, tools, etc.) needed. At some point in this process, a liability waiver will be needed/signed by the MH resident. The Lead (may or may not - to be determined) will submit the information to our contact at justserve.org. Our justserve contact will respond when (a) volunteer(s) come forward with the willingness to assist with the MH resident concern. A date and time will be established to perform the work needed.

3.1.2. To Explore What is Yucaipa Helping Hands High school kids - volunteer program - required x # of hours for graduation? In the past they have waited tables regarding fund raisers. We do not have a contact person at this time.

3.2. Free online surveys: http://www.surveymonkey.com

3.3. GSMOL http://www.gsmol.org

3.4. http://www.crimerate.com

3.5. http://www.crimemapping.com/map.aspx?aid=372f27f4-3a7a-4481-9820-c51a67171313

3.6. http://cencal.app.bbb.org/connect

3.7. Crowd funding

3.8. Bizhub

3.9. Kickstarter

3.10. GSMOL Board of Directors

3.10.1. Vice President Zone C, Regions 3, 5, 6 Raymond Downing, Western Skies MH Park, 2770 West Lincoln Ave, space #42, Anaheim, Ca 92801, Ph 714-828-2896, [email protected]

4. People Needed/Positions to Fill

4.1. Flow Chart of:

4.1.1. Committee Back up committee

4.1.2. Non Profit compliance

4.1.3. Volunteer Coordinator Staffing/Scheduling Coordinator Other Volunteers Membership Drive Coordinator Other volunteers Fund Raiser Coordinator Other volunteers Promotions Coordinator Other volunteers

4.2. Our committee meets every Tuesiday (except the first Tuesday after the monthly meeting) for 1 hour, from 10 - 11am.

4.3. Committee

4.3.1. Committee - regular committee members: Chairman, 3 Vice Chairman, Recording Secretary, Information Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Appointed Parliamentarian Back up committee members; People willing to come onboard to fill any of the committee positions when a position has been vacated. (Must be voted in) We need to clairfy who is on our committee, fully staff, and insist members make the meetings (reasonable attendance ?% of the time). We need cross training and back up plans. See "Committee" file for current committee members.

4.4. Non Profit Compliance Coordinator

4.4.1. Someone to keep us in line (compliance) with the city, state, fed, non profit guidelines and obtain answers to what we can and can't do.

4.4.2. Includes learning law relating to non profit organizations and advising (what we can and can't do). Fill out (or direct to be filled out - bookkeeper, account, legal professional) forms to be filed with various agencies to keep YMRA in compliance with non profit status, etc.

4.5. Volunteer coordinator

4.5.1. The lead/primary coordinating person that would deal directly with other key members heading up various programs. (Staffing/Scheduling Coordinator, Membership Drive coordinator, Fund Raiser Coordinator, Promotions Coordinator, Park Rep Assembly Coordinator, etc.). The Volunteer Coordinator would meet with these key people from time to time (whenever an event is proposed to take place) and see that all needs are met by determining which divisions of our collective teams will need to be involved.

4.6. Staffing

4.6.1. Someone to oversee and bring awareness to staffing needs.

4.7. Scheduling

4.7.1. Of Senior Center office Joanne currently handles the scheduling of the mobile home office In the Senior Center

4.8. Membership Drive Cooridinator

4.8.1. Main focus is to bring new members into the YMRA organization. Would secure venues such as super markets, open street fairs (“Farmers Markets”), in general, public events that draw crowds that would appeal to our target membership base. Sign up, receive funds from and issue membership cards to new members (or direct volunteers/help to do so). Membership Drive Coordinators main focus would be to coordinate the event from inception to completion. This would include staffing/scheduling (which should be made simple through our Staffing/scheduling Coordinator). Also, to consider if other YMRA related events could be integrated and worked collectively as a group (an option). Would check with and possibly coordinate and work with Volunteer Coordinator, Fund Raising and Promotional Coordinators, Event Prop/Supply Coordinator, Event Artist, Park Rep Assembly Coordinator, Web Content Coordinator, etc.

4.9. Fund Raiser coordinator

4.9.1. https://www.fundraise.com/non-profit/yucaipa-ca-yucaipa-mobilehome-residents-association-ymra

4.9.2. Main focus is to raise money/funds for the YMRA organization. Would secure venues such as super markets, open street fairs (“Farmers Markets”), in general, public events that draw crowds that would appeal to our target membership base. Sign up, receive funds from and issue membership cards to new members (or direct volunteers/help to do so). Fund Raiser Coordinators main focus would be to coordinate the event from inception to completion. This would include staffing/scheduling (which should be made simple through our Staffing/scheduling Coordinator). Also, to consider if other YMRA related events could be integrated and worked collectively as a group (an option). Would check with and possibly coordinate and work with Volunteer Coordinator, Membership Drive and Promotional Coordinators, Event Prop/Supply Coordinator, Event Artist, Park Rep Assembly Coordinator, Web Content Coordinator, etc.

4.9.3. Cristy - Thanks

4.9.4. Bob - Thanks

4.10. General

4.10.1. Pick up mail - PO Box

4.10.2. Pick up Mobile home office (Senior Center) call sheets

4.11. Promotions Coordinatior

4.11.1. Main focus is to bring exposure to the YMRA organization. This could include brainstorming new ideas for various ways to gain favorable exposure for YMRA. Would secure venues such as mobile home park clubhouses (through YMRA Park Reps), super markets, open street fairs (“Farmers Markets”), in general, public events that draw crowds that would enlighten our target membership base about the need for YMRA and what YMRA does for them. Promotions Coordinators main focus would be to coordinate the event from inception to completion. This would include staffing/scheduling (which should be made simple through our Staffing/scheduling Coordinator), Would check & possibly coordinate & work with Volunteer Coordinator, Fund Raiser, Membership Drive and Promotional Coordinators, Event Prop/Supply Coordinator, Event Artist, Park Rep Assembly Coordinator, Web Content Coordinator, etc.

4.12. Event/Prop - Supply Coordinator

4.12.1. Main focus would be to establish and keep a list/make available all items needed for YMRA related events such as tables, chairs, signs, event attractions (drawings, spin the wheel, throw the dart, prizes, etc.), Keep a list of resources and make provisions as needed to supply various events. Seek out above mentioned resources by donation or at best prices. Would most likely be contacted by and work with Volunteer Coordinator, Fund Raiser, Membership Drive and Promotional Coordinators, Event Artist, Park Rep Assembly Coordinator, etc. Possibly need to establish a storage facility.

4.13. Event Artist

4.13.1. Would create signs and decor to create attractive displays to draw people to the YMRA booth/attractions. Would most likely be contacted by and work with Volunteer Coordinator, Fund Raiser, Membership Drive and Promotional Coordinators, Event Artist, Park Rep Assembly Coordinator, etc.

4.14. Web content Cordinator for web based content: blog (s), etc

4.14.1. We would like to develop an Internet presence. This would be for the purpose of gaining exposure, supplying information and showing what YMRA is about and has done as well as what we are doing. We would like a website that can be a resource center for the mobile home residents of Yucaipa. This would include legal resources, links to issues that other mobile home park residents have encountered and how the issues were resolved, Local issues/news that relate to the Yucaipa mobile home community. etc. Possible web presence would include: YMRA web page, Facebook, Blog, etc (Internet presence) Also, there are many independent websites on the web that identify YMRA, however have outdated and inaccurate information. We would like our Web Content Coordinator to make updates, etc.

4.14.2. Correcting or registering YMRA with sites reporting on non-profits http://www.guidestar.org/SearchResults.aspx http://www.guidestar.org/organizations/33-0678898/yucaipa-mobilehome-residents-association-ymra.aspx http://www.orgcouncil.com/ca/yucaipa/yucaipa-mobilehome-residents-association-ymra-898.php http://www.nonprofitfacts.com/CA/Yucaipa-Mobilehome-Residents-Association-Ymra-Ymra.html http://501c3lookup.org/yucaipa_mobilehome_residents_association_ymra/ http://www.melissadata.com/lookups/np.asp?ein=330678898 http://www.melissadata.com/lookups/np.asp?zip=92399 https://www.fundraise.com/non-profit/yucaipa-ca-yucaipa-mobilehome-residents-association-ymra http://greatnonprofits.org/org/yucaipa-mobilehome-residents-association-ymra http://www.taxexemptworld.com/organization.asp?tn=1312216 http://www.taxexemptworld.com/organizations/yucaipa-ca-california.asp

4.15. Park Rep Assemblies

4.15.1. Person to coordinate Park Rep meetings (periodic meetings specifically with Park Reps), Train and express YMRA’s vision and expectations for duties that would help enhance our efforts. Periodic contact with Park Reps, simplified process to pass information/coordinate. Encourage Park Reps to secure club house space or other facilities within the various mobile home parks for YMRA concerns; be it to supply information, recruiting new members or fund raising, etc.

4.16. City Council Attandance

4.16.1. Tony currently attends city council meetings when there are issues relating to the mobile home community.

4.17. Park Meetings/YMRA Representation

4.17.1. Most likely will be committee members

4.18. Grant Application/writing/follow through

4.18.1. We need a person that has the expertise (or is willing to learn) to apply for grant funding. This person would research grant opportunities and make application for various grants. Follow through would be in the process of creating the criteria that the grant would be based on, the uses of the funds, the accounting and reporting related to the grant, etc. (most likely reported to our Non Profit Compliance Coordinator).

4.19. Researchers - To help find law that supports Mobile home resident issues

4.19.1. Barbara Downs - Thank You

4.20. Sub committees

4.20.1. As new projects are created and established, the need for “Point People” (as well as volunteers) will grow. We are currently pursuing charitable endeavors to help people in the mobile home community that do not have the ability or means to help themselves. Point People would take charge of heading up charitable projects. Examples below:

4.20.2. Poss Yucaipa grants - CDBG, Community for Coach Repair Program

4.20.3. Justserv.org submission Using Justserve.org as an (basic/rough) example. YMRA would receive a call or inquiry from a mobile home park resident about a problem they might have regarding (example) overgrown shrubbery; maybe put on notice by the park to cut it back or be fined by the park. The caller, to qualify for help, would have to be at their last resorts and unable to hire someone to have the work done and be physically incapable. A representative (Sub committees and/or Responsible Support Person “ Point Person”) would visit the resident and determine the need for help and the severity of the situation. Also if it is a health or safety hazard, etc. The Point Person would take information, make notes and determine in as best as possible the tools needed, number of people, tasks that need to be completed, etc., as well as best days and times to contact the resident and best days to perform the work needed. First option would be to see if there is legal enforcement that would aid the caller with a resource they might not have been aware of. If not, this information would then be brought back and submitted to our contact person for the justserve.org charity and the justserve.org contact person would upload the information the to justserve.org website. In summary, when justserve volunteers respond, we reconnect with our point person to see that the work gets done.

4.21. Developing forms, reprinting, distributing and filing

4.21.1. Forms Sign in sheets (monthly meeting) Speaker slips (monthly meetings) Volunteer list (monthly meeting, etc. Request to reserve park club house (park meeting) Request for park meeting

4.21.2. Notices

4.21.3. Reprinting of city notices, industry news, MH park issues, emails, etc

4.22. Audit Committee

4.22.1. Needed to be established around Sept - Oct each year for completed audit to be presented at the January meeting.