LMS and CMS Platforms

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LMS and CMS Platforms by Mind Map: LMS and CMS Platforms

1. docebo:A Learning and Content Management System that have around 18 language to be used in social tools, wikis, blogs and forums.

1.1. * Wiki * Forum * Blog * 18 languages * Knowledge database

2. interspire: A Content Management System with rich social tools features such as twitter, Facebook and others. Allows to build business websites and online magazines.

2.1. * Webcasts after a conference * Clinical cases * Medical products training

3. Joomla:A Content Management System and it is an open sources that which allows to design portals for education, business and others.

4. impresscms:A Content Management System with high secure and privacy that build communities and dynamic websites.

4.1. * scure system * support system * building communities

5. Drupal:A Content Management System that offer users to create their personal weblogs.

6. My iCourse: A Learning Management System that allows the educators to post their educational materials to enhance the meaningful learning.

7. ectolearning:A Learning Management System and a social collaboration tool with attendance record and assessment grading.

8. edu20: A Learning Management System that allows schools to set up online courses for the learners so they access it anytime, anywhere.

9. Sloodle: A novel Learning Management System that designed from simulation world and it is a combination between second life and Moodle.

9.1. * Simulation World * Training courses * Interaction and attractive

10. Dokeos: A Learning Management System that designed for the medical proposes and cases scenarios.

10.1. * Webcasts after a conference * Clinical cases * Medical products training * International collaboration * Knowledge database