Pareto Analysis Template

An overview of the 80 / 20 or Pareto Principle.

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Pareto Analysis Template by Mind Map: Pareto Analysis Template

1. Overview

1.1. 80/20 Rule

1.2. Improve Business Efficiency

1.3. Personal Productivity

2. Contents of the Template

2.1. Contributing Factors

2.1.1. This could be an error type, a task or any data you want to analyze.

2.2. Frequency

2.2.1. Enter how often the contributing factor occurs

2.3. Percentage

2.3.1. Calculate the percentage of the occurance. This field is set to calculate automatically using this formula: = (frequency/frequency total)*100

2.4. Cumulative Percentage

2.4.1. Sum of frequencies so far / frequency total * 100

2.5. Pareto Chart

2.5.1. The template automatically creates a Pareto chart fro the data you have entered in the table

3. Bibliography

3.1. Institute of Healthcare Improvement

3.2. The 80/20 Principle by Koch

4. Download the template

4.1. [Excel 97 - 2003 version](

4.2. [Excel version](

4.3. [OpenDocument Spreadsheet version](

5. Using the 80/20 Rule in Business

5.1. Example from IHI

5.2. Investment Decisions

5.3. Gut feel

5.3.1. Because the 80/20 rule is so popular amongst self-help gurus - Tim Ferriss for example - many descriptions assume that it will be used as a finger in the air or gut-feel approach to identifying the 20% of things, or effort that leads to 80% of the results. Source: Pareto analysis template | Excel Template FREE

6. More Business Templates

6.1. The 4 Ds of Task Management

6.2. Ishikawa Diagram

6.3. Marketing Budget

6.4. Performance Improvement Plan

6.5. SMART Goals