Remote Experience

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Remote Experience by Mind Map: Remote Experience

1. Arduino

1.1. 0.What is Arduino

1.2. driver for Arduino

1.3. 1.Connect Arduino Uno

1.4. 2.First Program

2. Read the connection map!!!


4. Action

5. Survey

6. Build

7. Perception

8. Design

9. Intelligence

10. How to transmit data

10.1. 0. How to transmit data with serial monitor ?

10.2. 1. How to transmit data by Bluetooth

10.3. Connect HC-05 Bluetooth Component

10.4. Connect HC-05 Bluetooth Component

11. How to measure temperature ?

11.1. Analog Temperature Sensor ST1164 - Data sheet

11.2. How to measure temperature with serial monitor ?

11.3. How to measure temperature by Bluetooth ?

11.4. Read Temperature in Graphique Application by Bluetooth

12. Presentation template

13. Erasmus+

14. How to realize a real part with a laser cut?

14.1. 1.3DExperience-Drafting-dxf

14.2. 2.How to use the laser cut

15. How to assemble real parts and components?

15.1. PDF 3D view

15.2. Assembly view

15.3. Exploded view


16.1. 1.Read "What is a robot ?"-->

16.2. 2.Start working with Arduino

16.3. 3.Collaborate

16.3.1. 3.Follow with Perception & Communication

16.3.2. 3. Follow with Design a 3D PArt

16.3.3. 3. Follow with  Assembly