History of Computers

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History of Computers by Mind Map: History of Computers

1. Analytic Engine

1.1. In 1822 , invented by mathematician Charles Babbage

1.2. device was large as a house and powered by 6 steam engines

1.3. punched paper could be used as a storage mechanism

1.3.1. Had a condtional statement : allows programs to acheive different results everytime its runned

2. Hollerith desk

2.1. made by Hollerith ,which consisted of a punch card reader that sensed the holes in the card and a large dial indicator that showed results of the count

2.2. Built the company IBM

2.3. punch cards were used to track

3. Mark 1

3.1. Built on a partnership between Harvard and IBM in 1944. U.S millitary needed a mechanical computer to do scientific calculations

3.2. weighed 5 tons , 500 miles of wires and 8 feet 11 inches tall

3.2.1. operatedon numbers that were 23 digits wide. Also could add and subtract and multiply and divide in less then 10 seconds.

3.3. a moth was found by Grace Hopper in the Mark 1 . Grace Hopper was a programmer for the Mark 1.

4. Z3

4.1. Built by Konrad Zuse in 1941

4.2. the first


5.1. was a all electronic digital computer

5.1.1. had more then 18,000 vacuum tubes and filled a room to reprogram the ENIAC you would have to switch about 3000 cords

6. Abacus

6.1. Used by the Babylonians in 300 BC

6.1.1. Basically rings that slide over a rod

6.1.2. First ever calculator

6.2. Used for Mathematical Problems.

6.2.1. Could do subtraction and addition

7. Logarithms

7.1. invented in 1617

7.1.1. allowed you to do multiplication

7.1.2. were a bunch of sticks with numbers

7.2. By John Napier

8. Stepped Reckoner

8.1. was able to add , multiply, subtract and divide

8.1.1. was considered the first to advicate the use of the binary system

8.2. invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

8.2.1. instead of gears there wear 10 flute drums

9. Pascaline

9.1. invented in 1642

9.2. by a 19 year old named Blaise Pascal

9.3. didnt sell alot because the prices were too high

9.4. Could only add

9.4.1. had metal wheels

9.4.2. had digits 0 -9

10. Punch Cards

10.1. Frenchmen Joseph Marie Jacquard came up with the idea

10.1.1. wooden cards

10.1.2. really big in the mill industry

10.1.3. used on trains for puncards

10.2. in 1801