Clinical Information System Bobcat IDS

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Clinical Information System Bobcat IDS by Mind Map: Clinical Information System Bobcat IDS

1. Stakeholders

1.1. Board of Directors

1.2. Staff

1.3. Adminstration

1.4. Primary User Group

1.5. Supporting Staff

1.6. Patients

1.6.1. Caregivers

1.7. Project Manager

2. Notes

2.1. This mind map outlines the stakeholders and those responsible for a successful implementation. The stakeholders mentioned above all have a vested interest in the strategic plan of the hospital which includes all of the essential parts mentioned on the timeline. Limitations include budget, personnel, delivery of services and the materials needed to implement the project. One of the subjects that need to be researched under limitations will be the software upgrades and the leasing of the software equipment. Personnel will be an issue due to the limited time frame needed to implement the software and the training needed for the other staff to do electronic charting.

2.2. Clinical systems that will be utilized is Electronic Medical Records (EMR) which will essentially be a one stop shop for all patient care coordination needs. Paper charts will be eliminated and EMR will become the way of life for Bobcat. All BH, physical health, social needs and other healthcare related issues will be located in the EMR. Alineo is the system of choice for the hospital and this will allow documentation for all the above items. Alineo has the option of being purchased or leased which will be a valuable choice for the hospital.

2.3. Action steps include discussing limitations with the stakeholders, discuss a realistic due date for the project and evaluate the system capabilities. This is the section where a discussion with the stakeholders should take place. The project manager should take the lead to discuss action steps and create a time line that allows for this project to come to fruition.

2.4. Schedule will need to be set by the project manager and ensure enough time to train the nurses, providers, techs, etc. that will be utilizing the new system. It is also important that updates are taken into account for this software and a schedule is created to ensure the most up to date information is being used for the patients by the staff.

3. Clinical Systems

3.1. Electronic Medical Records

3.2. Social Service Delivery

3.3. Alineo for documentation

3.3.1. Task maker, BH tracking Chart auditing capabilities

4. Limitations

4.1. Budget

4.1.1. Materials

4.1.2. Personel

4.1.3. Services

4.1.4. Duration

4.2. Delivery Timeline

4.3. Requirements

4.4. Software upgrades and leasing equipment

5. Action Steps

5.1. Project manager create timeline

5.1.1. Buy Software, discuss leasing capabilities

5.1.2. Upgrade and/or update equipment

5.2. Limitations

5.2.1. Realistic due date

5.2.2. Strict budget

5.3. Evaluation tool of system capabilities

6. Schedule

6.1. Project Start

6.1.1. Project specifications

6.1.2. End User requirements

6.2. Update stages 1

6.2.1. Create action steps for implementation

6.3. Update stages 2

6.4. Managers given training to train staff

7. Timeline

7.1. Schedule

7.2. Budget

7.3. Resources

7.4. Delays