Instructional Designer/Project Mananger Roles

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Instructional Designer/Project Mananger Roles by Mind Map: Instructional Designer/Project Mananger Roles

1. Project Manager Processes - Initiation & Planning

1.1. Initiation

1.1.1. Develop a business case Feasibility Study Terms of Reference Appoint project team Set up project office Perform phase review

1.2. Project Planning

1.2.1. Create a project plan

1.2.2. Create a resource plan

1.2.3. Create a financial Plan

1.2.4. Create a quality plan

1.2.5. Create a risk plan

1.3. Planning, cont'd.

1.3.1. Create acceptance plan

1.3.2. Create communication plan

1.3.3. Create procurement plan

1.3.4. Contract the suppliers

1.3.5. Perform phase review

2. Project Manager Processes - Execution & Closure

2.1. Project Execution

2.2. Tasks

2.2.1. Build Deliverables

2.3. Monitor and Control

2.3.1. Time management

2.3.2. Cost management

2.3.3. Quality management

2.3.4. Change management

2.3.5. Communications management

2.4. Monitor and control

2.4.1. Risk management

2.4.2. Issue management

2.4.3. Procurement management

2.4.4. Acceptance management

2.5. Perform phase review

2.6. Perform project closure

2.6.1. Review project completion

3. Instructional Designer Processes

3.1. Analysis

3.1.1. Meet with stakeholders

3.1.2. Understand problem you are asked to solve

3.2. Types of Analysis

3.2.1. Learner Analysis

3.2.2. Task Analysis

3.3. More Analysis

3.3.1. Content Analysis

3.3.2. Instructional Analysis

3.4. Design

3.4.1. Goals

3.4.2. Outcomes

3.4.3. Chunk Content

3.4.4. Meet with SMEs

3.4.5. Design Document

4. More I.D. Processes

4.1. Develop

4.1.1. Sequence Learning Events

4.1.2. Align elements with outcomes

4.1.3. Develop assessments

4.2. Implement

4.2.1. Delivery Schedule

4.2.2. Media Assets

4.3. Evaluate

4.3.1. Pilot Test

4.3.2. Field Trials

4.3.3. Formative

4.3.4. Summative