Phishing Emails Pilot Training Outline

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Phishing Emails Pilot Training Outline por Mind Map: Phishing Emails Pilot Training Outline

1. Course Objective: By the end of this training, learners in the training group will be able to distinguish between legitimate and phishing emails, and follow correct courses of actions for each

1.1. Introduction

1.1.1. Module 1: Intro to Ransomware & Email Phishing Learning Objective: Learners will be able to describe what ransomware and email phishing are Key Terms: Ransomware, Phishing Emails, Credentials

1.1.2. Module 2: The 4 Target Behaviors of Phishing Emails Learning Objective: Learners will be able to summarize the 4 target behaviors of phishing emails Key Terms: Link, URL, Domain Name

1.1.3. Module 3: The 4 Most Common Types of Phishing Emails Learning Objective: Learners will be able to summarize the 4 most common types of phishing emails Key Terms:

1.1.4. Module 4: The 6 Signs of Phishing Emails Learning Objective: Learners will be able to list the 7 signs of a phishing email Key Terms:

1.1.5. Module 5: Simulation Learning Objective 1: After this activity, learners will be able to respond appropriately to suspected phishing emails by either (1) using the "Report Phishing Email" button on the company's email platform to remove phishing emails from their inbox and send a copy to the system administrator for followup, or (2), contacting the sender via internal direct messaging to verify the email Learning Objective 2: After this activity, learners will be able to respond appropriately to legitimate emails by following a reasonable or conventional course of action, such as clicking a link to see a document, or opening an attachment