Looking for Alaska

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Looking for Alaska by Mind Map: Looking for Alaska

1. Characters

1.1. Pudge

1.1.1. Main Character

1.2. Alaska

1.2.1. Crazy "Y'all smoke to enjoy it, I smoke to die"

1.3. Colonel

1.3.1. Short

1.4. Takami

1.5. Serbian Girl

1.5.1. Doesn't speak much english

2. Ending

2.1. Alaska Died

2.1.1. Pudge and the Colonel try to find out how/why Interview People Re-create drunkenness Get the speed going

2.2. Pudge has to come to terms with it

3. Ideas

3.1. YOLO

3.2. After-Life

3.3. Friendship

3.4. Boarding School

4. Setting

4.1. Boarding School

4.2. Florida