1. What can facilitate a fascist state?
1.1. Capitalism
1.1.1. Social Media Algarithms
1.1.2. Media (network news, movies, television, music, etc.)
1.1.3. Sports Betting Bread and Circus
1.1.4. Google (Stolen Focus - Johann Hari)
1.1.5. Apple (DARPA's creation of Siri (Disclosure Project)) What other connections to the Military Industrial Complex?
1.1.6. Food and Drug Administration (see the brutal imprisonment of Wilhelm Reich)
1.1.7. Patent office (Dr. Steven Greer - Disclosure Project)
1.1.8. FTC
1.1.9. Petrodollar (History)
1.2. Authoritarian Ideology
1.3. Facilitated by the National Security Act of 1947 https://history.state.gov/milestones/1945-1952/national-security-act
1.4. Classism (Intersectionality of Oppression)
1.4.1. White Patriarch
1.4.2. Patriarch of Color
1.4.3. White women
1.4.4. Women of Color
1.4.5. LGBTQ+
1.4.6. LGBTQ+ of Color
1.5. Radical Conservatism
1.6. Neoliberal Fanatacism
2. Introjected Lie
2.1. Modern economics
2.1.1. The Federal Reserve Union Busting Organization Kills jobs to "help" the economy Keeps the quasi capitalistic aristocracy alive The Senate helps with this (see The Anti-Federalist Papers). The Philips Curve? Really? What a joke. Disproven with the staglflation of the 80's, yet the population still supports tactics based on this.
2.1.2. Exchange Economy Monies derived from the paid labor of the masses. Monies derived from surplus production.
2.1.3. Capitalism Patriarchal authoritarian system thousands of years old. Preditory Imperialism Defraudation of the Working Man Racial Subjugation
2.1.4. Social Work Has it's roots in colonialism, or put another way, the savior's menatality.
2.2. Death Economics
2.3. Klaus Schwabb <-------- This is the real leader of the world. Responsible for the economic policies that were Apartheid.
2.3.1. Founder and Chairman of the World Economic Forum All things go through Davos https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2024/01/heads-of-state-davos-2024-wef-politics/ CERN is the Switzerland distraction because we already know the science they purport to be "working on"
2.4. Lines of demarcation
2.5. The State
2.5.1. "Since the working man's structure and capacity for freedom were too inhibited to enble him to adapt to the rapid developement of social organizations, it was the "state" that carried out those acts that were actally reserved for the "community" of working man." ~Wilhelm Reich
3. How do we fix this?
3.1. Work Democracy
3.1.1. "Work democracy consciously develops formal democracy, which is expressed in the mere election of political representatives and does not entail any further responsibility on the part of the electorate, into a genuine, factual, and practical democracy on an international scale. This democracy is borne by the functions of love, work, and knowledge and is developed organically." ~ Wilhelm Reich
3.2. Life Economy. See... Confessions of an Economic Hitman (Third Edtion).
3.3. Disclosure of ALL technologies currently being held back.
3.4. Create communities that run on Love, Work, and Knowledge.
3.5. Hold our representatives accountable.
3.6. Decentralization of power and resources.
3.6.1. Get rid of the Federal Reserve
3.7. If money is to persist, then there must be multiple modes of currency.
3.7.1. Each individual has complete and unfettered access to their own funds. This means no illusory charges and fees.
4. Suppression Tactics https://youtu.be/VXQOhe19WAw?feature=shared
4.1. Bribery
4.2. Threat of injury to estate/self/family
4.3. Wetworks (death)
4.4. Online algarithms control, and scrub truth and information from other countires
4.4.1. Algarithms keep people in an information loop of bias
4.5. Use of government secrecy classifications and proprietary priviledge
4.5.1. Keeps people bouncing back and forth between government and business when seeking information
4.5.2. Hermetically sealed bubble of informtion has occured
4.6. Create decentralized chaos in communities to keep the trap of running in the minds of The People
4.7. Disappearance
4.7.1. Hale Boggs dissapeared while investigating Operation Octopus during Watergate probe.
4.8. Takeover of the Fourth Estate
4.8.1. Operation Mockingbird. ET Truth Embargo. Instituted in 1940's. https://www.dpiarchive.com/ Enforced by "network of military-intelligence masquerading as high-level mainstream media executives." CIA infiltration of Washington Post Philip Graham - Graduate of Army Intellegence School Harrisburg, PA. By 1950 Mockingbird infiltrated New York Times, Newsweek, and CBS Network overseen by Allan Dulles. (very connected to Bush dynasty) Templar for German and American corporations that wanted their points of view represented in public print. 1982 - CIA finally admits it has assets in the media. Operations Coordination Board - CIA's assimilation of old guard faschists. First directer C.D. Jackson - Former executive of Time magazine and Eisenhower's special assistant on Cold War strategy. Moses Annenburg Scion of the Capone Mob Walter Annenburg Reagan - FBI informer. Informer code: T10 Walter Cronkite: Former intelligence officer. UPI Moscow correspondant after the war. Cap Cities "...rose like a horror-film simian from CIA and Mafia heroin operations." By the 1950's the CIA spent 1/3 of its budget on propaganda Around 3,000 people were salaried and contracted by the CIA by the 1950's. President Reagan and the CIA. Reagan's entire acting career launched by Operation Octopus. Operation Octopus. Crusade for Freedom. CIA front - In full swing by 1948
5. Mind Control Conspiracy: Code names include, but not limited to: MKULTRA, MKSEARCH, MKNAOMI, ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD, STARGATE, CHATTER, OFTEN, CHICKWIT, DERBYHAT, THIRD CHANCE, MKDELTA, QK HILLTOP https://www.dpiarchive.com/
5.1. Who are connected (these are only the names listed by whistelblower Dr. Colin Ross)
5.1.1. Dr. George Estabrooks. Wrote "I can hypnotize a man -- without his knowled or consent -- into committing treason against the United States.
5.1.2. Harold Abramson
5.1.3. Loretta Bender
5.1.4. Paul Hawk (psychiatrist who killed Harold Blauer in 1953 with an inject of supposed mescaline)
5.1.5. Robert White (Harvard)
5.1.6. Martin T. Orne
5.1.7. Harold Lief (advisor of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation)
5.1.8. Fransisco Silva (Cuban psychiatrist who allegedly put Lee Harvey Oswald up in his home and got him a job at the hospital where Silva worked prior to the assassination)
5.1.9. Robert Heath (doing brain electrode implant research at Tulane)
5.1.10. Colston Westbrook (CIA Psy-War expert who worked at Vacaville Prison with prisoners such as Donald Defreeze and Timothy Leary)
5.1.11. Amadeo Morazzi (LSD researcher at the University of Minnisota)
5.1.12. Gregory Bateson
5.1.13. Allan Ginsburg
5.1.14. George White (Army Col, CIA, BNDD)
5.1.15. E.R. Hilgard (member of DSM IV Dissocociative Dissorders Committee)
5.1.16. Milton Erikson (psychiatrist and inspiration for Neurolinguistics Programing)
5.1.17. Daniel X. Friedman (editor of Archives of Journal of Psychiatry 1970-1993)
5.1.18. J. Edgar Hoover (Director of the FBI)
5.1.19. Ron Shore (collaborator with Martin Orne)
5.1.20. Allan Dulles (Director CIA 1953-1961) Former Council to Brown Brothers Harriman. BBH was George Bush Sr.'s fathers bank (Prescott Bush). https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar
5.1.21. Garner Murphy (Harvard)
5.1.22. John Mulholland (magician)
5.1.23. B.F. Skinner (Harvard behaviorist)
5.1.24. Mark Sweet (Collaborator with L.J. West for the UCLA Violence Project)
5.1.25. Ken Kesey
5.1.26. Sydney Mallett
5.1.27. Wagner Joreg (son of Wagner Joreg who won the Nobel Prize for treating syphilis with malaria)
5.1.28. R. Gordon Wasson (stock broker and mycologist mushroom expert)
5.1.29. Harold Wolff
5.1.30. Paul McHugh (Chaiman of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins)
5.1.31. Robert Lifton (psychiatrist and well known author)
5.1.32. James Whitehorn (former Chairman of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins and advisor of the Human Ecology Foundatino with Top Secret Clearance.
5.1.33. Margaret Singer (psychologist, author of "Cults in our Midst")
5.1.34. John Gittinger (CIA psychologist)
5.1.35. Raymond Prince (Mass. General Hospital)
5.1.36. Maitland Baldwin
5.1.37. Carl Rogers
5.1.38. Louis Jolyon West (psychiatrist UCLA)
5.1.39. Carl Pfeiffer
5.1.40. William C. Hollinger
5.1.41. L. Wilson Green
5.1.42. Richard Ofshe (Sociologist)
5.1.43. James Hamilton
6. Oligarch's and traitors who set up the current fascist system/military industrial complex. Source: Exposed: The Kennedy Files with Elizabeth Lane https://unifyd.tv/programs/exposed-the-kennedy-files-part-1
6.1. William Casey https://www.britannica.com/biography/William-J-Casey
6.2. Henry Neil Mallon https://www.upi.com/Archives/1983/03/02/Industrialist-Henry-Neil-Mallon-who-built-Dresser-Industries-from/7886415429200/
6.3. W. Averell Harriman https://www.britannica.com/biography/W-Averell-Harriman
6.4. Richard Nixon https://www.britannica.com/biography/Richard-Nixon
6.5. The Rockefellers https://www.britannica.com/money/Rockefeller-family
6.6. The Davidson Family https://sanjosespotlight.com/charles-w-davidson-dies-at-90-and-leaves-an-altruistic-legacy/
6.7. The Bush Family https://www.britannica.com/biography/Prescott-Bush
6.8. Allen Dulles https://www.britannica.com/biography/Allen-W-Dulles
6.9. David Sanchez Morales https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKmorales.htm
6.10. Frank Sturgis https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/104-10221-10189.pdf
6.11. Edward Lansdale https://spartacus-educational.com/COLDlansdale.htm
6.12. William K. Harvey https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/document/19625-national-security-archive-doc-14-cia-william
6.13. E. Howard Hunt https://www.britannica.com/biography/E-Howard-Hunt
6.14. James Jesus Angleton https://spartacus-educational.com/SSangleton.htm
7. Witnesses and Whistlblowers https://www.dpiarchive.com/
7.1. Anonymous 1 - USA
7.1.1. Sent message to CSETTI Web RE: Prof. Tomendellie, who worked on Manhatten Project and taught Enrico Fermi and Mentioned the Location of an ET Craft Hidden in the Blue Ridge Mtns.
7.2. Victor Afanasyev - USSR
7.2.1. Cosmonaut who photographed UFO en-route to Solyut 6 Space Station in April 1979
7.3. Vasily Alexeyev - USSR
7.3.1. Major-General associated with Space Communications Center in Russion. Knows of eye witness reports of unusual craft documented in Soviet papers
7.4. Colin Andrews - USA
7.4.1. POC
7.5. Col. Dwynne C. Arneson - USA
7.5.1. While at Malstrom AFB Montana in March 1967, was Top Secret Communications Officer and saw message about UFO hovering over missile silo.
7.6. Maurizio Baiata - Italy
7.6.1. POC to witness and has archives, Corso video, etc. Knows. MD PhD scientist who worked in US that SMG should meet
7.7. Monsignor Balducci - Italy
7.7.1. Was a demonologist at teh Vatican. Believes in the possibilty that extraterrestrial intlligences are interacting with earth.
7.8. Lt. Col. Tom Bearden - USA
7.8.1. Deceased - Worked with DARPA, has first-hand knowledge of ET advanced technologies in covert programs.
7.9. Fred Bell - USA
7.9.1. Former Nasa engineer and physicist. Also worked for Lockheed Martin.
7.10. Harland Bently - USA
7.10.1. Backround in electrical engineering and quantum phuysics; aware of fake abductions; knew Col. Corso; understands ET technologies; witnessed UFO crash in 1958 in MD; knows about shadow government.
7.11. Graham Bethune - USA
7.11.1. Participant, April 97' DC Briefing. Military pilot; encountered 300 ft. diameter UFO at close range in 1951. Retired Commander.
7.12. Robert N. Blazina, Jr. - USA
7.12.1. POC to his father who was in USAF and encountered UFO off of Newfoundland coast in 1976-1977.
7.13. Robert N. Blazina, Sr. - USA
7.13.1. USAF pilot in 1976-1977; encountered uFO off Newfoundland coast, est. speed of 10,000 mph, nearby civilian 747 had same experience.
7.14. Don Bockelman - USA
7.14.1. Worked wit hmicrowave weapon systems in the military. A few years ago, while in the WA countryside, witnessed an F-16 firing a missile at a UFO.
7.15. Gildus Bourdais - France
7.15.1. POC. Can be contacted through Paola Harris.
7.16. Col. Charls Brown - USA
7.16.1. USAF, Former head of Project Grudge and Project Sign; has detailed info on UFOs and projects covertly studying the matter; also knows Maxwell Rabb, CFR. POC is Jim Dellitoso
7.17. John Callahan - USA
7.17.1. Retired from FAA. In 1988 he videotaped a radar playback of huge UFO chasing a Japan 747 over Alaska for 30+ minutes; also has pilot's report. Government took copies; he kept the originals.
7.18. Stoney Campbell - USA
7.18.1. In 1960's at Tinker AFB, saw a not-quite materialized ET craft on the ground. Lives on east coast.
7.19. Joseph Cantergiani - USA
7.20. Franklin Carter - USA
7.20.1. POC Ron Russell. Friend of CSETI. In Navy in 1956 -1958, he was radar tech on a ship and saw many UFOs traveling at 3600 - 4000 mph. All activity was reported to NORAD.
7.21. Jimmy Carter - N/A
7.21.1. Former US Prsident and Governer of Georgia. Had a UFO Sighting during October of 1969 in Leary Georgia.
7.22. Gordon Cooper - USA
7.22.1. Participant / Aprial 1997 DC Briefing, Astronaut, observed UFO in flight 1951, and squadron filmed landed craft at Edwards AFB in 1957, sent film to the Pentagon.
7.23. Bruce Cornet - USA
7.23.1. East Coast Researcher who investigated UFO sightings in New York. Reference email that described a strange incident that took place at Grand Prairie Naval Air Station Texas in 1997. Guard on duty at night saw a large convoy of military vehicles past his post heading directly to a hangar. Witness saw two flatbed tractor/trailers carrying a "half egg" shaped object caged in what looked like scaffolding.
7.24. Philip Corso Jr. - USA
7.24.1. Son of Col. Philip Corso Sr. Has documents on his father who was an Army officer.
7.25. Gordon Creighton - UK
7.25.1. Worked in the British Foreign Service. Saw a disc shaped UFO at the China Embassy in 1941. Worked with Military Defense in Whitehall, and worked on the floor underneath a department, Air Technical, dealing with a UFO.
8. "Fascism can be crushed only if it is countered objectively and practically, with a well-grounded knowledge of life's processes. In political maneuver, acts of diplomacy and making a show, it is without peer. But it has no answer to the practical questions of life, for it sees everything merely in the speculum of ideology or in the shape of national uniform. When a fascist character regardless of hue, is heard sermonizing about the 'honor of a nation" (instead of talking about the honor of man) or the "salvation of the sacred family and race" (instead of community of toiling mankind); when he is seen puffing himself up and has his chops full of slogans, let him be asked quietly and simply by the public: 'What are you doing in a practical way to feed the nation, without murdering other nations? What are you doing as a physician to combat chronic disease, what as an educator to intensify the child's joy of living, what as an economist to erase poverty, what as a social worker to alleviate the weariness of mothers having too many children, what as an architect to promote hygienic conditions in living quarters? Let's have no more of your chatter. Give us a straightforward, concrete answer or shut up!' It follows from this that international fascism will never be overcome by political maneuver. It will fall victim to the natural organization of work, love, and knowledge on an international scale." ~Wilhelm Reich - The Mass Psychology of Fascism
8.1. Countries likely under fascist control
8.1.1. United States Likely Miltary Industrial Complex companies / organizations Raytheon General Dynamics McDonald Douglas Lockheed Martin NASA DARPA (Government) Northrop Grumman Boeing Bechtel Corp. Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Inc. C. Martin Co. Ford General Motors HITT Construction MITRE Corp. North American Rockwell Pratt & Whtney Rand Corp. Sperry Rand Corporation Wackenhut Corp. Government can sell a program to a defence contracter for very little money. As low as one dollar. The government then allows them to utilize only the companies internal funding thereby keeping a project going with plausible deniablilty. See John Ramirez (Retired CIA) testimony.
8.1.2. North Korea
8.1.3. Iran
8.1.4. Russia
8.1.5. Antarctica (Continent)
9. Definition
9.1. a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fascism
10. Ways to stay on guard
10.1. Ensure freedom of speech is not taken away
10.2. Ensure the right to peacefully public protest
10.2.1. Peacefully protest on Washington D.C. Everyone camps out until disclosure occurs Lock up the streets with our own vehicles Make them touch us We learn from Tiananmen Square Martyrdom is key (Hippolytus of Rome) Coordinate so that the streets never get cleared until We The People see full disclosure.
10.3. Accountability of Representation
10.4. Public testimony by whistleblowers of any economic, or military relation
10.4.1. Find our allies Representative Burchett Representative Luna Senator Whitehouse Senator Murphy Senator Gillibrand Dr. Steven Greer Multipronged effort to get disclosure to the public since 1991/1992 https://drstevengreer.com/ Helped pass legislation to make it easier for people with information on the militarty industrial complex in 1999. Dr. Carol Rosin Emery Smith Sgt. Clifford Stone (Deceased, but testimony lives on) Michael Herrera - U.S. Marine (Retired) Currently very instrumental in making headway with human trafficking. Eric Hecker DC Long Richard Doty - USAF OSI (Retired) Shawn Ryan (Former Navy Seal / CIA Special Operator) https://www.youtube.com/@ShawnRyanShowOfficial David Adair John Ramirez (CIA Retired) Wilhelm Reich ((Deceased) Fortunately the FDA was not able to burn all of his books) Brutal supression of his research, especially that of cancer research and the base form/relation to the Amoeba. They had him thrown into prison and still had him work on research for them. Instrumental in the success at Montauk. Tim the Tactical Advisor Edward Snowden? Randy Cramer? Spokesperson for Marine Corps Special Section Katherine Austin Fitts U.S. Navy (Ret.) Jack D. Pickett George Patton Colin A. Ross M.D.
11. Locations of illegally run, Unacknowledged Special Access Program (USAP) facilities. https://www.dpiarchive.com/
11.1. AFOSI
11.2. Air Force Plant 42 (Palmdale CA)
11.2.1. "Location of manufacturing facility for major classified aerospace programs. Lockheed martin, Northrop, and Boeing all have facilities here. In addition, there have been reports of "black contact lens" shaped craft operating in this location."
11.3. Air Force Weapons Laboratory Kirtland
11.4. Area 51 (Groom Lake) aka Air Force Flight Test Center Detachment 3
11.4.1. Both manned and un-manned classified aircraft have been reported at theis facility. Additional reports of disk-shaped craft hovering off the ground inside hangars have also been reported.
11.5. Area S4
11.6. AT&T
11.7. Avon Park Air Force Range (Florida)
11.7.1. Alleged UFO Research operations and flight test facility.
11.8. Azores Islands, Portugal, Lajes Field USAF
11.8.1. Transport area for large TIC TAC
11.9. Barksdale AFB (Louisiana)
11.10. Battell Memorial Institute
11.11. Beal Air Force Base (Sacramento, CA)
11.11.1. Location of claissified hypersonic aircraft
11.12. Bechtel Corp.
11.13. Bell Labs (New Jersey)
11.14. Berkeley University (CA)
11.14.1. Believed to be the storage/Laboratry for at least on "egg-shaped" ET craft in 1947
11.15. Blackjack Control (Southwest of Area 51)
11.16. Boeing Phantom Works
11.17. Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Inc.
11.18. Brooks AFB (Texas)
11.19. Buckley Space Force Base
11.20. C .Martin Co.
11.20.1. Government contractor at Dugway Proving Grounds, UT
11.21. Camp Peary (Williamsburg, VA)
11.21.1. Secret CIA training school for ET visitation. Area called "The FArm" - Six story structure with four stories underground housing a lab, cryogenic storage facility, vehicle recovery, etc.
11.22. Carswell Air Force Base (Fort Worth, TX)
11.22.1. Air Force base now closed. Large flying saucer believed to have been stored here sometime in the early 1970's.
11.23. Chiina Lake Naval Air Weapons Station (California)
11.24. CIA Headquarters
11.25. CIA/160th operating under the NSC near (Nashvile, TN)
11.26. Council on Foreign Relations
11.27. Coyote Canyon Test Site (N. end of Manzano
11.28. Crane Indiana
11.28.1. Secret base that is a Naval Special Warfare base. They have an underground facility dedicated to "off world" technologies.
11.29. DARPA
11.30. DIA
11.31. Dugway Proving Grounds (Outside Provo, UT) Classified airspace DITTO meteorology building 3032.
11.31.1. Also, location of HAARP weather system, Peace Treaty. Building of 1977 Weather Weaponization, located in Dugway Proving Grounds UT. DITTO - Area in Garrison building Dugway Proving Ground, UT AVERY - Area in Dugway Proving Ground w/ "Ghost Building" (no numbers or markings), also location wehre ET autopsy took pleace. Black Ops NASA facilities.
11.32. Dulce NM
11.33. E-Systems
11.34. Eagle's Nest aka Air Force T.O.C. and the Drangon's Den aka Army Lima Life Fire T.O.C. Set of doors connects these 2 TOC's (Tactical Operations Centers) Raytheon test area.
11.35. Edwards North Base (Rosamond, CA) Location of classified aircrat/flying saucers in old hangar.
11.36. EG & G
11.36.1. EG & G Terminal Building (Harry Reid International Airport)
11.37. Eglin Air Force Base (Florida) - Believed to be a depository for ET Bodies. Site 6 classified raidar site that moniters 70% of what goes on in space. Their sign reads "We monitor all space activity terrestrial and extraterestrial from planet earth". Site 6 is 15 miles deep into the base. Radar can detect objects as far as 20,000 miles out the size of a basketball.
11.38. FBI Headquarters
11.39. Ford
11.40. Fort Benning
11.40.1. Has a space program hangar with AT craft.
11.41. Fort Bragg, NC 82nd - Range 19 and 18th ABC HQ - G5 war room.
11.41.1. Location of antigravity SCIF and wet works events.
11.42. Fort Chaffe Maneuver Training Center (near Fort Smith, Arkansas)
11.42.1. Possible location of underground facility and staging area for test flights for bot ET craft and ARV's which have been seen escorted by miliarty helicopters.
11.43. Fort Hood Army Base (Texas)
11.43.1. Believed to be a vast underground facility/runway large enough to accomodate C-130 cargo aicraft. Test flights of UFO's being escorted by military helicopters have also been reported in this area.
11.44. Fort Huachuca, underground storage facility, NSA and Army INtelligence complex near Ft. Huachuca.
11.44.1. Underground storage of ET spacecraft and previously autopsied ET life forms. HTJCOE. 9 ET Craft/ET bodies/ DUMB
11.45. Fort Irwin/Raytheon ARV and secret government Ops.
11.46. Fort Jackson, South Carolina Army Base
11.46.1. NCCA joint operations CIA & FBI facility.
11.47. Fort Knox (Kentucky)
11.47.1. location of one ET craft.
11.48. Fort Polk
11.49. Fort Sill, Near Lawton, OK
11.49.1. USAP with reverse engineered ET cloaking device/ET in SCIF
11.50. Ft. Monmouth (New Jersey)
11.50.1. Location where a seven-minute film of an ET craft with bodies was shown in 1953
11.51. General Motors
11.52. George AFB (California)
11.53. Goddard Spaceflight Center (Maryland)
11.54. Grand Forks AFB (North Dakota)
11.55. Guggenheim Foundation Laboratory (New York)
11.55.1. A small ET body is believed to have been examined here sometime after 1947.
11.56. Hangar One Moffett Field (Mountain View, CA
11.56.1. Massibe blimp hanger contained a large 100-foot diameter disc shaped craft in 1950. Ongoing classified programs are still active
11.57. Hanscom AFB (Massachusetts)
11.58. Haystack Butte (Montana)
11.59. HITT Construction
11.60. Holloman AFB (New Mexico)
11.61. Homestead Airforce Base (Homestead, Florida
11.61.1. At least five ET bodies and various debris were seen by comedian Jackie Gleason in February of 1973. He was brought to the facility by President Richard Nixon.
11.62. Houma AFB (Louisiana)
11.63. Hughes Aircraft Company
11.64. Hunter Liggett Military Reservation - Mojave Desert, CA
11.64.1. Military simulated ET abduction
11.65. Irvine, CA
11.65.1. Underground SCIF near I-5 freeway and Lake Forest Studying ET bodies.
11.66. ITT
11.67. James F. Hanley Federal Bldg, Syracuse, NY
11.67.1. Secure floor witnessed possible ET
11.68. Jason Society
11.69. John Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore, MD)
11.69.1. Alleged location where autopsies were performed on multiple ET bodies.
11.70. Kelly AFB (Texas)
11.71. Kirtland Air Force Base
11.72. Langley Air Force Base (Virginia)
11.72.1. Alleged sight of at least one ET craft being kept in storage. Moon Building.
11.73. Lawrence Livermore Labs (California)
11.73.1. AT for 70 years, delivery person in the 90s saw a chrome disc floating 3 ft off the ground in a secured warehouse area.
11.74. Lewis McChord AFB McChord, WA
11.74.1. USAP studying ET technology.
11.75. Livermore Labs
11.76. Lockheed Martin
11.76.1. Various facilities including Denver research center.
11.77. Lockheed Martin Hlendale Plant
11.78. Lockheed Martin Skunk Works (Palmdale)
11.79. Lookout Mountain Air Force Station (Los Angeles)
11.79.1. Location of TOP SECRET films
11.80. Los Alamos National Labs
11.80.1. Alleged location where Aztec UFO was brought after the retrieval operation on March 25, 1948. Believed to be on of several locations where reverse engineering of ET craft takes place. Connects to Dulce Complex - PLF's
11.81. Lucern, Switzerland
11.81.1. Secret, underground facility beneath CERN
11.82. Luke AFB
11.83. MacDill Air Force Base (Tampa, Florida)
11.83.1. Location of classified "library" on base which includes officially marked USAF UFO photos, documents, and multiple motion picture film reels. Confirmed by U.S. Navy (Ret.) Jack D. Pickett
11.84. Manzano Mountain Weapons Storage Facility and underground complex.
11.84.1. Believed to be the location where one ET craft was stored.
11.85. Marshal Space Flight Center (Alabama)
11.86. Masonic Temple (York Right)
11.87. Maxwell AFB (Alabama)
11.88. McClellan Air Force Base (Sacramento, CA)
11.88.1. Depository of UFO photographs/documents in classified library.
11.89. McDonald Douglas Llano Plant
11.90. Mirimar Naval Base 4-5 hour drive to undergourn garage Special project using "acquired" tech.
11.91. MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Massachusetts
11.91.1. Alleged location where ET debris was tested and analyzed.
11.92. MITRE Corp.
11.93. NASA HQ
11.94. NASA Ames Research Center (Mountain View, CA
11.94.1. Believed to be involved in research of downed UFO's and debris.
11.95. NASA Johnson Space Center (Houston, TX)
11.95.1. Alleged Location of an ET craft.
11.96. Naval Air Station (New Brunswick, Maine)
11.96.1. Alleged location where a black and white movie depicting an ET craft and three deceased bodies was shown to an Air Force Colonel in 1956.
11.97. Naval Station Great Lakes (North Chicago, IL)
11.97.1. Teardrop shaped UFO seen in Quonset hanger in 1973 by a gunnery school instructor.
11.98. Nellis AFB (Nevada)
11.99. Nevada Test Site
11.99.1. Northern Range Delta Force Helo Base
11.100. NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Colorado Deep Space Network
11.100.1. Dedicated console for tracking UFO's
11.101. North American Rockwell
11.102. Northrop "Anthill" (Tejon Ranch)
11.103. Northrop Grumman
11.104. Norton Air Force Base (San Bernadino, CA)
11.104.1. Closed Air Force Base. Location of classified military aerospace exhibit on November 12, 1988 which featured three ARV's. Also, location of ET craft in hangar. Location of Air Force Audio Visual Center where classified films were made.
11.105. NRO (National Reconnaissance Office)
11.106. NSA (National Security Agency)
11.107. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Tennessee)
11.108. Offutt AFB (Nebraska)
11.109. Orgun-E delta Company, 3/504 PIR, 82nd Airborne Division Special Ops in Afghanistan
11.110. Padang, Indonesia - clandestine operations using ARV for drug running and weapons.
11.111. Pahute Mesa and Area 19
11.112. Pease Air National Guard Base (New Hampshire)
11.112.1. An ET craft is believed to have been stored here.
11.113. Pentagon Lower basement/vault
11.113.1. Believed to be a storage facility for at least one ET body, which was being preserved in a large glass container in 1952. A special division within the Pentagon known as the "Artificial Intellignence Group" is believed to have been an ongoing UFO research project. Technology Management Office (TMO) - SCIF at the Pentagon.
11.114. Pine Bush, NY
11.115. Pne Gap
11.115.1. Underground facility in Australia Majestic US and Australian
11.116. Pratt & Whitney
11.116.1. Company producing Advanced propulsion systems
11.117. Pueblo Army Depot (Colorodo)
11.117.1. Believed to be the location where two small ET craft were stored along with an ET that lived for 18 months.
11.118. RAF Lakenheath, Liberty Wing
11.118.1. Projects there correlate to Sandia National Labs
11.119. Rand Corp.
11.120. Red Stone Arsenal (Alabama)
11.120.1. Believed to be the location wehre ET wreckage was stored. Transdimensional Energy lab
11.121. Research Triangle Park (North Carolina)
11.121.1. USAP studying ET technology
11.122. Rickenbacker Air National Guard Base (Ohio)
11.123. Rockefeller University
11.124. SAIC (Science Applications International, Inc.
11.125. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL)
11.125.1. Defense Nuclear Agency
11.126. Scott AFB (Illinois)
11.127. Scottish Rite Masonic Temple
11.128. Secret Sar Wars T.O.C. Located at Cantonment
11.128.1. Main post at Fort Irwin
11.129. Seoul, Korea
11.129.1. Secret mountain facility storing an ARV. DUMB with ET craft
11.130. Seymour-Johnson Air Force Base (Goldsboro, NC)
11.130.1. Alleged location of UFO research operations and at least one ET craft.
11.131. SHAPE HO
11.132. South Pole Raytheon
11.132.1. Nuetrino light communications and weapons array and communications of UFO's in space.
11.133. Sperry Rand Corporation
11.134. Stanford University
11.135. Stewart AFB, Newburg, NY
11.135.1. Special Operations Training Center (SOTC) 5 miles west and close to Wallkill, NY
11.136. Table Top Mountain Observatory (NASA)
11.137. "The Vault" NAS North Island, San Diego, CA
11.138. Tinker AFB (Oklahoma)
11.139. Tonopah Test Range
11.140. Travis Air Force Base (California)
11.140.1. A large disk-shaped craft with transparent dome on top was seen inside a hangar during the late1960s.
11.141. TRW
11.142. Village Supercomputing (Phoenix AZ)
11.143. Wackenhut Corp.
11.144. Walter Reed Hospital (Washington D.C.)
11.144.1. Location of an alleged autopsy of an ET in the early 1950's. (May still have documents, photos, and X-rays)
11.145. White Sands Complex
11.146. Wright Paterson AFB (Dayton, OH)
11.146.1. Well known as a depository for recovered ET Bodies, debris, and craft.
11.147. Westover AFB
11.147.1. DUMB under granite of Mt. Tom Mt. Holyoke Range all the way under to Umass campus. Vatican type library for classified artifacts and a secret aerial sign "435". This was reported to witness by Mark McCandish.
11.148. Underground tunnels around Barnes airport in Westfield
11.148.1. Entrances on other side of East Mountain Road, opposing side from grass covered bunkers.
11.149. Yuma Proving Ground
11.149.1. As of 1990, massive collection of material and equipment of unknown origin. Several underground Parker, AZ "engine test" facility south of Parker and north of Quartzite, AZ on the east side of the road. Test site of unknown Ft. Bliss 1990's major research and test facility using unrestriced airspaice in Mexico for test flights.