History of Visual Communications

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History of Visual Communications by Mind Map: History of Visual Communications

1. Sumerians

1.1. Cuneiform

1.1.1. Created to keep track of Business Transactions

1.2. 3 things we know about them

1.2.1. 1. Theocratic Culture

1.2.2. 2. Skilled Artisans who created vases,bowl,and other types of pottery

1.2.3. 3.Music seemed to be important to their life

2. Egyptians

2.1. Heiroglyphics

2.1.1. Formal Writing System Combinaton of Logographic and Alphabetic Elements

2.1.2. Expressing words in writing

2.1.3. Whats it Derived from? Sacred Engraving

2.2. Books of the Dead

2.2.1. An Egyptian Funeral

2.3. Rosetta Stone

2.3.1. Deciphered to... Ancient Greek Demonic Heiroglyphics Jean Francois Champollion has Deciphered the Language

2.3.2. Taken from Napoleon Bonaparte

2.4. Recorded Information

2.4.1. Religion

2.4.2. Government

3. The Book

3.1. Scrolls are made with Long Continuous piece of Papyrus, Separate sheets glued together.

3.1.1. The two ways that scrolls are rolled up are just manually rolled up while others had wooden rollers

3.2. A Codex is covered and bound collection of handwritten pages

3.3. Christians adopted the Codex as the Early Bible.

3.4. Parchment is a Substrate made from animal skin

3.4.1. How parchment is made is hair and fat are removed from the animal and its soaked in water and dries

3.4.2. Was a better parchment called Vellum (A Finer Quality)

4. Linotype Machine

4.1. Christopher Sholes Invented the only Typewriter that became Commercially Successful.

4.1.1. Clephane Tested the Typewriter Prototype. Ottmar Mergenhaler and Clephane Approach to help their Typesettings.

4.2. Linotype allows Operators To be set mechanically rather than by hand

4.3. Linotype came from- The fact that it produces an entire line of metal type at once.

4.4. The First Linotype is in the "New York Tribune"

5. History of Computers

5.1. Konrad Zuse Invented a freely Programmable computer

5.1.1. Howard Riken & Grace Hopper made the Mark Series. The Computers are created for Harvard University and the Navy

5.2. The first Commercial computer is Univac

5.2.1. John Preseper Eckert & John Mauchly designed it.

5.2.2. Universal Automatic Computer.is its name.

5.3. IBM= International Business Machines

5.3.1. Developed IBM701 EDPM

5.4. Douglas Engelbart Invented the Mouse.

6. The Phonetic Alphabet

6.1. a direct variation of Hieroglyphics, others ties with cuneiform or an independent creation

6.2. one sign represents one spoken sound

6.2.1. Starts with Consonants

6.3. The Trade culture of the phoenicians merchants spreaded use of the alphabet to north africa and europe

6.4. Serifs originate the carving of words onto stone

6.5. Stonemen added hooks to the tip of the letters to prevent the chisel from falling

7. 50,000 Yrs ago Cave Paintings

7.1. Definition

7.1.1. Are beautiful,Detailed,and colorful representations found on the inside of cave walls and ceilings

7.2. Lascaux

7.2.1. Why was it Closed? The paintings were being damaged by carbon dioxide emitted from the tourists

7.3. Three reasons they were created

7.3.1. Story Telling

7.3.2. Religious reasons

7.3.3. Instruction

8. Gutenberg Printing Press

8.1. Johannes Gutenberg invented it.

8.1.1. How did Gutenberg create his metal type? With Melted Lead,tin and Antimony

8.2. What is a Printing Press?

8.2.1. A hand press with ink rolled over the raised surface of a movable hand-set letters held in a wooden frame

8.3. Developed by Screw-Type of pressing grapes and olive seeds

8.4. What motivated Gutenberg to find a easier way to produce books?

8.4.1. By Watching Goldsmiths and jewelers

8.5. Who did Gutenberg see to invest in his inventions?

8.5.1. John Fust The agreement stated that if gutenberg could not repay the loan with interest after 5 years fust owns the invention and materials.

8.6. What was the first book to be printed?

8.6.1. The Bible.

9. History of Photography

9.1. a camera obscura is a Dark Chamber.

9.1.1. Its a darkened room with a Convex lens inserted in a wall The camera obscura in the 17th and 18th centuries shrunk to a portable box size.

9.2. “photography” originate from Greek words for light and writing.