History of Visual Communication

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History of Visual Communication by Mind Map: History of Visual Communication

1. gutenberg press

1.1. Gutenberg loved to read so he wanted to develop books

1.1.1. the worlds first moveable type system was made in China the blocks were made out of wood. as the moveable type system evolved the wooden locks changed to metal blocks.

1.1.2. Gutenberg invested in an inventor named John Fust if Gutenberg couldn't repay the loan in 5 years Fust would get the supplies and materials.

1.2. Gutenberg began too experiment with metal typography

1.3. the first book to be printed was the bible

1.4. johannes gutenberg made the gutenberg press

2. Hieroglyphics

2.1. The invading armies in Egypt noticed tombs, pyramids, and temples.

2.1.1. scholars thought expressing words in cuneiform influenced Egyptian Hieroglyphics. the French soldiers spotted a slab with inscriptions on it in fort Rosetta. the three languages on the stone were: Egyptian Hieroglyphics, Demotic, and Greek. the Rosetta Stone resides in a British Museum.

2.2. the word hieroglyphic came from two greek words: HIero and Glyphic.

2.3. the Hieroglyphic language contained logograms and alphabetic elements.

2.3.1. the ancient Egyptians thought it was important to record information about religion and government students went to schools called scribe schools to learn how to read and write. military leaders trained the scribes.

2.4. the walls of their caves were painted to show respect to gods and goddesses.

2.5. Napoleone Bonaparte invaded Egypt in 1798

3. Phonetic Alphabet

3.1. some people thought the Phonetic alphabet tied with Cuneifrom

3.1.1. all of the letters started with consonants. it taught common people how to write and read

3.1.2. one sign represents one spoken word

3.1.3. the phonetic alphabet was the first widespread script

3.2. the trade culture spread the language into North Africa and Europe

3.3. the Phonetic alphabet has given ideas to create other alphabets

4. Linotype Machine

4.1. Clephane wanted to find an easier way to transcribe notes and legal briefs and be able to make copies

4.1.1. Christopher Sholes invented the only typewriter to become commercially successful

4.1.2. Clephane tested Sholes typewriter and he would break it and damage it until Sholes made the type writer that was perfect for Clephnae. the first Linotype machine was established in: The New York Tribune in July of 1886

4.1.3. the Linotype machine helped save paper because the print was smaller. For example: the newspaper was less pages because the type wasn't as big.

4.2. the Linotype machine set mechanically instead of you having to set it by hand.

4.2.1. the Keyboard had 90 characters and there were different colors for lower case, upper case, and symbols

5. History of computers

5.1. Konrad zuse invented the first freely programmable computer

5.1.1. Howard Riken and Grace Hopper designed the mark series of computers IBM stands for international business machines. IBM developed the IBM701 computer Fortran was the first high level programming language Douglas Engelbart came up with and invented the idea of a computer mouse apples new computer in 2983 was named Lisa after Steve Jobbs daughter

5.1.2. the first commercial computer was the univac designed by John Presper Eckert and John Mauchly Univac stands for Universal automatic computer ARPRNET was the first internet created to protect the flow of military information

6. history of photography

6.1. the 4th century camera obscura was a way for Philosophers and scholars to observe light

6.1.1. the name “photography” originated from the greek words light and writing Daguerre nvented the first practical photographic process called Daguerreotype

6.1.2. Joseph Niepce created the first successful photograph in 1827

6.1.3. William Fox Talbot invented the Calotype process Richard Maddox is credited with the invention of the dry process Muybridge he was known for his work using multiple cameras to capture motion. he invented the zoopraxiscope

6.1.4. James Clerk Maxwell took the first color photograph

7. 30,000 years ago CAVE PAINTINGS

7.1. cave paintings are beautiful detailed colorful representations found on the inside of cave walls and ceilings.

7.2. Lascaux cave

7.2.1. Lascaux cave was found by four teenage boys in 1940. This site had to close because the paintings were getting ruined by the carbon dioxide from the tourists. The French created the Lascaux 2 to satisfy the tourists. The Lascaux 2 was created right next to the original Lascaux cave painting. The Lascaux was the most famous cave painting.

7.3. 3 reasons why created

7.3.1. insturctional

7.3.2. religious/superstitions

7.3.3. story telling

7.4. Altamira cave

7.4.1. located in Spain

7.4.2. most of he Altamira caves have a red hue to the paintings because of the red clay in the soil

7.4.3. Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola and his daughter Maria discovered this site.

7.5. Chauvet Pont d’arc

7.5.1. the oldest cave painting site

7.5.2. Eliette Brunell Deschamps, Christian Hillaire, and Jean Marie Chauvet discovered this cave painting

8. Cuneiform

8.1. Cuneiform was created to help with business transactions

8.2. the Sumerians wrote on clay tablets with a wedge shaped stylus to make impressions in the clay

8.3. The Cuneiform's were the first to make pictograms

8.3.1. the Cuneiform pictogram's evolved over time. the pictogram's became more abstract and Cuneiform evolved into a wedge shaped language.

8.4. The Sumerians lived in a place with fertile soil because of all of the bodies of water in the area. They practiced year round agriculture because they had good weather.

8.4.1. Sumerians were a theocratic culture ruled by a priest or king they were skilled artisans who created vases, bowls, and other pottery. music was an important part of their life

8.5. the Akkadians invaded the Sumer region because they wanted to adopt Cuneiform as their language.