The global spread of English

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The global spread of English af Mind Map: The global spread of English

1. Controversies

1.1. Is the English a global language or not?

1.2. Is the English a link of progress?

2. Main ideas

2.1. Is the English a global language or not?

2.2. Varieties linguistic of English

2.3. The disqualification of the global linguistic diversity

2.4. The linguistic imperialism behind the global spread of English

3. Negative effects

3.1. 1. The association of the language with an economic elite

3.2. 2. The influence on cultural identity

3.3. 3. Threat to existing languages

4. Proposals

4.1. Visibilization the linguistics varieties of English

4.1.1. Sub Idea 1

4.1.2. Sub Idea 2

4.2. Emphase on the varietis of English at schools and language courses