1. Outcome
1.1. Feedback statistics
1.1.1. 1. Attach link that ask visitor's feedback on website.
1.1.2. 2. Post link to various platform.
1.2. Strength: visitor gain valuable insights.
1.2.1. Example: 72% of visitor said the information has raise their awareness, 27.8% said the website is impactful. Impact: Leave impression on audience targer -> raise people awareness.
1.3. Weakness: lack of interactivity
1.3.1. Example: less attractive to the project's primary target demographic. Impact: Hampers the goal of reaching younger generation -> raise people awareness.
1.4. Improvements: reward for visitors, including tasks that require them to browse different parts of the website and complete specific tasks.
2. Learning
2.1. Skills: Communication, able to covey ideas to the teacher, interview people. Technical, web development design.
2.2. Research: Nowadays, the traditional art universities in Vietnam have not announced opera actor admissions because not enough applicants have registered for the test in this major. (Giang, 2023).
2.3. Perspectives:
3. Own Work
3.1. Role: organize its visual looks by designing its website and redesigning its display on phone.
3.2. Strength: creativity, design skills.
3.2.1. Example: make a special looking design to attract visitors, but also to convey the benefit of Vietnamese tradition. Impact: raise the website experience -> increase visitor awareness.
3.3. Weakness: Paying too much attention to one thing.
3.3.1. Example: Speending 3 lessons to write the conclusion and don't know that the new information had been added to the outcome. Impact: the conclusion not up-to-date with the new information -> make the reader confused with new information of raise people awareness.
3.4. Improvements: spent at least 5min of each lesson to update new process, and make sure to fix the work accordingly.
4. Teamwork
4.1. Benefit: Work as a team is able to share the work to each member, and they have to responsible for their work.
4.1.1. Example: The leader give different work to each member finding different perspectives, causes, consequences. Impact: Meet all the deadlines and check to quality of the website -> to help them raise people awareness.
4.2. Challenge: Each member have different views.
4.2.1. Example: Have conflict in deciding the outcome type so they started the work late than others. Impact: Get falling behind in planning document, lack of information on website -> hamper the website's effectiveness in raising awareness.