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Comparison by Mind Map: Comparison

1. Learning

1.1. I've gained more knowledge about communication techniques as a result of sharing ideas with the teacher and ask individuals about their opinions.

1.2. I learned a lot about the root causes of the issue as this art form isn't forgotten

1.3. While exploring perspectives, I have learned from Doctor that traditional arts need more young talents

2. Own work

2.1. Designing the layouts of the website

2.2. Creativty

2.2.1. Attract visitors and convey the Vietnamese tradition performance arts Make visitors feeling when visiting website better and raise their awareness

2.3. Management time

2.3.1. Spend three lessons for writing the conclusions with inconsistency when added new information connfused the readers with incongruent details and got in the way of raise people awareness

2.4. allocate five minutes at the beginning of each lesson with the progress of the outcome and adjust my work.

3. Teamwork

3.1. Share work and every member must responsible for their own work

3.1.1. The leader gave members different tasks like finding different perspectives, various causes and consequences, etc meet the deadlines and check quality on the website to help us reach the aim to more people.

3.2. Conflicting between different ideas

3.2.1. They have arguement to decide the outcome type This causes us to lag behind in our planning document because one of our website's categories is missing information.

4. Outcome

4.1. Feedback statistics

4.1.1. Our website has reached 105 site sessions with 87 unique visitors and 33 people giving feedback on our website.

4.2. Visitors obtain insightful knowledge about the various perspectives that people have about these artistic mediums.

4.2.1. 72% of the visitors said that our information has raised awareness of traditional art, 27.8% believe our website is impactful This accomplishes our goal of increasing awareness and has a lasting impact on the intended audience.

4.3. is more information-focused and devoid of interaction, despite the fact that younger consumers are driven to interactive digital experiences

4.3.1. The main target demographic for the project will find it less attractive. Reaching Vietnam's younger generation was hindered because, our feedback said there were too many words but not enough articles, performances, visual displays, etc.

4.4. Virtual challenges and rewards for users, like missions requiring them to navigate different online parts and complete tasks, could be added .