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Brainstorming by Mind Map: Brainstorming

1. Assessment Tools

1.1. Rubric worth 80 points. Assessment highlights the amount of information shared, overall appearance of portfolio, citation, and creative use of software.

1.2. Personal letter worth 20 points. Grading will be based on the emphasis the student placed on factual information in order to compose their letter.

2. Learning Goals

2.1. To conduct successful research on a victim of the Holocaust

2.2. To become more familiar with new software Pages on their MacBooks

3. Learning Objectives

3.1. Students will begin to make the connection that the Holocaust had a global effect and was not just about the Jewish people.

3.2. Students will become familiar with new software (Pages) and participate in a jigsaw presentation. Online I could make this a discussion forum in which they review another portfolio.

4. Description of Assessment Activity

4.1. I modified a web quest I found online that asks students to research either Hitler, Soldiers, Pilots, or children from the Holocaust. They are given specific links and are asked to share the information they learn. They are able to choose their topic and are later encouraged to share the information via a PowerPoint or Pages portfolio. They are also asked to manipulate the information and write a letter pretending to be a victim. In an online class this lesson could be easily converted to begin a conversation about the Holocaust.