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SAP HANA Course by Mind Map: SAP HANA Course

1. SAP HANA 1.x

1.1. Introduction and Positioning

1.1.1. Architecture

1.1.2. Problem we are trying to solve

1.1.3. SAP HANA Main features

1.1.4. Solution and proof points

1.1.5. Deployment Options

1.2. SAP HANA Scenarios

1.2.1. Agile Data Mart

1.2.2. Operational Datamart

1.2.3. HANA Accelerators

1.2.4. Persistence for Busdiness suite and BW

1.2.5. RDS options

1.3. SAP HANA Architecture

1.4. SAP HANA Studio + Development Workbench + Web IDE

1.5. Introduction to CO-PA Report

1.6. Data Provisioning (File,BODS,DXC,SLT,SDA)

1.7. Modeling(Hana 1.x Modelling for COPA) Calculations views, Attribute views, Joins, modelling and semantic features

1.8. Reporting(Excel, BOBJ Tools, IDT, Web intelligence,Design Studio )

1.9. Transporting models

1.10. Security

2. SAP HANA 2.x

2.1. Course Structure and Guidance

2.2. Setting up your own scalable SAP HANA Instance on your local system

2.3. Building HANA Models for Purchase Insights ( Level: Beginner)

2.4. Smart Data Integration and Access (SDI/A) (Level: Beginner, Intermediate)

2.5. Build HANA Models for Sales Insights (Level: Intermediate)

2.6. Model Optimization and Accuracy

2.7. Model and Data Security

2.8. Version Control and Model Operation (Git)

3. SAP HANA Cloud Intro and setup

3.1. Getting your free BTP trial Account

3.2. Creating your SAP HANA CLoud Instance

3.3. Intro to BTP and various SAP HANA cloud tools

3.4. Fundamental features and more