My Successful College Career

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My Successful College Career by Mind Map: My Successful College Career

1. Scholarships

1.1. Engineering

1.2. Honors College

2. Volunteer Work

2.1. Through church

3. Clubs/Activities

3.1. Jazz

3.2. Snowboard Club

3.3. Sailing Club

4. Research

4.1. In the Electrical Engineering Field

4.2. Second semester first year/Sophomore year

4.3. Counts towards honors

5. Internships

5.1. Get a sense of what Electrical Engineers do

5.2. Engineering Career fair 9/19

5.3. Summer after first year

5.4. Close to home/Chicago

5.5. Counts towards honors

6. Study Abroad

6.1. Work with Electrical Engineers around the world

6.2. Italy

6.3. Switzerland

6.4. Thailand/Southeast Asia

6.5. Counts towards honors