Grocery POS AppApp

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Grocery POS AppApp by Mind Map: Grocery POS AppApp

1. Product Management

1.1. Product Search & Lookup

1.1.1. Search by Name, Brand, or Category

1.1.2. Filtering by Price Range, Nutritional Information, etc.

1.1.3. Product Image Display

1.2. Inventory Management

1.2.1. Stock Level Tracking

1.2.2. Reorder Point Alerts

1.2.3. Stock Adjustments (Losses, Damages)

1.2.4. Inventory Reports Generation

1.3. Add/Edit Products

1.3.1. Add New Products (manual or bulk import)

1.3.2. Edit Product Details (Name, Description, Price, etc.)

1.3.3. Manage Product Variants (Sizes, Colors, Flavors)

1.4. Manage Prices & Discounts

1.5. Barcode Scanning

2. Sales & Checkout

2.1. Add Items to Cart

2.2. Manage Quantities

2.3. Apply Discounts & Promotions

2.4. Calculate Sales Tax

2.5. Issue Receipts (Print/Digital)

2.6. Payment Processing (Cash, Card, etc.)

3. Reporting & Analytics

3.1. Sales Reports & Trends

3.2. Inventory Reports & Low Stock Alerts

3.3. Employee Performance Reports

3.4. Sales Reports & Trends