by Bill Liao
1. Sustainable Reforestation
1.1. Permaculture high tech
1.2. Entrepreneurial
1.3. Tree Roots community based
1.4. Organic Sustainable harvesting
1.5. Income producing
2. Unsustainable Agriculture
2.1. Oil Based chemicals
2.2. Short term
2.3. Killing soils
2.3.1. New node
2.4. Burning weeds leftovers & withered crops
3. Sustainable crops
3.1. No Oil input
3.2. No Major irrigation
3.3. Bio diverse
3.4. Food Forest
3.5. Tree Based
4. Exploitation
4.1. Charcoal production
4.2. Clear cutting timber
4.3. land development
5. Albedo Effect
5.1. Snow
5.2. Desert
5.3. Cloud
6. Degradation
6.1. Land deprivation
6.2. Failed harvests
6.3. Drought
7. Increased Rainfall
7.1. Trees transpire water
7.2. Trees seed clouds
8. Deforestation
9. Climate Change
10. Poverty
11. Awareness
11.1. Mindset
11.1.1. Ethics
11.2. Thinking
11.2.1. Design Simple recommendation to masses
12. Cooling the Earth
13. Global Warming
13.1. less rainforests
13.2. Less cloud
13.3. More CO2
16. Garbage
16.1. Domestic
16.2. Industrial
16.3. Civil
16.3.1. Non-Bio Degradable
16.3.2. Bio Degradable