City of Pine Bluff prior to January 2025

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City of Pine Bluff prior to January 2025 by Mind Map: City of Pine Bluff prior to January 2025

1. Mayor's Core Team

1.1. Chief of Staff Joyce Campbell

1.2. Administratvie Executive-- ??

1.3. Grant Coordinator & Support Staff--??

1.4. Special Events Office

1.4.1. Special Event Coordinator

1.4.2. Coordinator

1.5. 2 interns and 1 fellow (Part time)

2. Mayor's Kitchen Cabinet

2.1. Atty Tracie Shelby

2.2. Vivian

2.3. Steve Jones

3. Federal, State & Local Govt Partners

3.1. Federal Congressman

3.1.1. Senator Boz

3.2. State Senators

3.3. Federal

3.4. Local Mayors

3.5. County Judge

3.6. Quorum Court

4. Capital ProjectsProjects--Assign Program Manager to manage and report

4.1. Southeast Estates

4.2. Opportunity House-- Chris Taylor

4.3. ERP Implementation (Tyler technologies)

4.4. Cyber Security

5. Transiton Team -- Peaceful transfer of Power Chairman Vivian Wright

5.1. Communication - Myron Jackson, Steve Jones, Telly Noel

5.2. City Improvement Opportunity - Advisory Team

5.2.1. City Budget & Finance

5.2.2. Economic Development & Tourisim and Infrastructure

5.2.3. UAPB - Aaeron Wallace J' Mya Smith

5.2.4. Youth - Nyeshia Aldridge

5.2.5. Community Outreach

5.2.6. Public Safety- James Murry

5.2.7. Health - Dr. Brandi Wright

5.2.8. IT/Broadband

5.2.9. Legal Advice

5.2.10. Grassroots outreach & citizen Liason -- Jihad Muhammad

5.3. Inaugural Team -- Angela Wilkins Jones

5.3.1. Inaugural Parade

5.3.2. Inauaugural Ball

5.4. Faith Leader Advisory Committee

5.5. Sales Tax Campaign - David Couch

6. City Government Department Directors are appointed

6.1. Animal control-- Marcus Graydon

6.2. Aquatic Center-- Raymond Joshua

6.3. Building & Maintenance-- John Smith

6.4. Cemetery-- Chilton Blunt

6.5. Code Enforcement ??

6.6. Economic and Community Development --R--Julie Cullenlinck

6.7. Finance-- Gina??

6.8. Human resources--??Prutty

6.9. Information Technology-- Kristopher Givens

6.10. Inspection and Zoning ??

6.11. PACE Commision ????

6.12. PB Fire Department ??

6.13. Pine Bluff Parks & Recreation-- Trudy Redus

6.14. PB Regional Airport

6.15. PB Street Department-- Oscar Bullard

6.16. Pine B Waste Water Utility-- Ken Johnson

6.17. PB Police Department ??

6.18. PB Urban Renewal Agency??

6.19. Add Communication -- Within City & Outside-- Malcolm ??

6.20. Southeast Arkansas Planning Committee

6.21. City Collector Branigan Evans

6.22. Transit-- ?

7. City Government Department\Elected Officials

7.1. City Clerk Janice Roberts

7.2. City Attorney Althea Hadden Scott

7.2.1. current cases

7.3. City Treaurer -- Greg Gustek

7.4. District Courts

7.4.1. Judge John Kearney

7.4.2. Chief Distric Clerk Veronica Young

8. City Council Elected Officials

8.1. Ward 1 (Pop-9,691)

8.1.1. LaTisha Brunson

8.1.2. Loyd Holcomb

8.2. Ward 2 (Pop-9615)

8.2.1. Glen Brown, Jr

8.2.2. Yvonne Denton (Shanner)

8.3. Ward 3

8.3.1. LanetteFrazier

8.3.2. William Fell (Glen Brown, Sr)

8.4. Ward 4

8.4.1. Steven Mays

8.4.2. Bruce Lockett

9. Commercial Partners

9.1. Go Forward Pine Bluff

9.2. Liberty Utilities (Water Company)

9.3. Waste Management

10. Local Leaders

10.1. NAACP

10.2. Rotary Club

10.3. Faith Leaders

10.4. Fraternities/ Sororities ( Divine 9)

10.5. Chamber of Commerce

11. Educational Institutions

11.1. UAPB

11.2. SEARK

11.3. Public School District

11.4. Watson Chapel school District

12. Create Southeast Arkansas Mayors Alliance