Expanding facebook-fanbase

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Expanding facebook-fanbase by Mind Map: Expanding facebook-fanbase

1. Targeting

1.1. target existing fanbases

1.1.1. trndmusik

1.1.2. hoerverlesen

1.1.3. kunstgeschwister

1.2. be present at events too distribute flyers, stickers etc.

1.3. get associated with labels

2. Build a Reputation

2.1. connect with online magazines

2.2. acquire partners, both companies and artists

2.3. involve artists in processes

3. Music-Posts

3.1. interact with other's posts

3.2. post regularly

3.3. "go viral"

4. Promotions

4.1. prize draws for events

4.2. Beatport

4.3. bets that eventually lead up to e.g. an event (10000 fans and we'll be giving e.g. a launch event with e.g. 2 hours of free beer for members)

4.4. "hazetag" strategy