Technology in Classroom
by Stella Maris Argibay
1. More benefitial
1.1. Valuable tool
1.1.1. To do research
1.1.2. To cross-reference sources
1.1.3. To cite information
2. More harmful
2.1. Needless distraction
2.1.1. Streaming
2.1.2. Using apps like Tik-tok
3. Technology is a responsability
3.1. Our obligation as educators to prepare students for the challenges of being digital natives
3.2. Help students to develop their digital literacy skills and become lifelong independent learners
4. Conclusions
5. Three facts about Technology
5.1. Can be dangerous
5.1.1. Cyberbulling
5.1.2. Problems inside and out the classroom
5.1.3. Academic dishonesty Makes easier to cheat
5.1.4. Mimics synthoms of adiction
5.2. Can be valuable
5.2.1. Advance student learning
5.2.2. Vast reservoir of information
5.3. Is not going anywhere (is speeding up)
5.3.1. digital natives (generation Z)
5.3.2. It is less of a device, more an environment