Depth Of Field

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Depth Of Field by Mind Map: Depth Of Field

1. Distance From Object

1.1. Far away from camera

1.1.1. Images will contain MORE DOF

1.1.2. Most of the image will be in focus

1.1.3. ie, Landscapes

1.2. Close to camera

1.2.1. Image will contain LESS DOF

1.2.2. Very little of image will be in focus

1.2.3. ie, macro or close up shots

2. Near To Far

2.1. Amount of sharpness in an image from near to far

2.2. Shallow

2.2.1. Image contains very little sharpness

2.2.2. Foreground AND background are out of focus

2.2.3. Shallow depth of field

2.3. Deep

2.3.1. Image contains LARGE amount of sharpness

2.3.2. Most of foreground and most of background is in focus

2.3.3. Deep depth of field

3. Plane of Critical Focus

3.1. Determines place in photograph that will be MOST in focus

3.2. You determine the POCF by turning the focus ring and FOCUSING

3.3. Untitled

3.4. Untitled

3.5. POCF will change everytime you re-focus

3.6. Regardless of DOF, POCF will always be the sharpest area

4. Aperture Size

4.1. Size determines amount of DOF

4.2. Small number = Large opening

4.3. Large number = Small opening

4.4. Untitled

4.4.1. Also known as "stops"

4.4.2. Each stop will let in half, or double the amount of light

4.5. Small OPENING = More of the scene is in focus (from near to far)

4.6. Large OPENING = Less of the scene (from near to far) is in focus

4.7. POCF will always be in focus, regardless of aperture size