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Tissues by Mind Map: Tissues

1. Epitheilium

1.1. Squamous cell

1.2. Cuboidal cell

1.3. Columnar cell

1.4. Simple Squamous

2. Muscle

2.1. Voluntary or Involuntary

2.2. Intercalated disks

2.3. Smooth

2.4. Cardiac

2.5. Skeletal Muscle

2.6. Striated or non-striated

3. Nervous

3.1. Axon

3.2. Cell body

3.3. Neuron

3.4. Dendrites

4. Connective

4.1. Blood

4.1.1. White Blood Cells

4.1.2. Plasma

4.1.3. Red Blood Cells

4.2. Dense Fibrous

4.3. Cartilage

4.4. Adipose

4.5. Vacuoles Containing Energy

4.6. Lacunae

4.7. Osteocytes

4.7.1. Calcified

4.7.2. Matrix

4.7.3. Chondrocytes

4.7.4. Bone