Innovation of money

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Innovation of money by Mind Map: Innovation of money

1. Ancient Payment

1.1. Avoid counterfeit bank notes

2. Present Payment

2.1. More convenient

2.2. Lighter and potable

2.3. Avoid double coincidence of wants

3. Advantages

4. Disadvantages

4.1. Ancient Payment

4.1.1. double coincidence of wants

4.1.2. Heavier and not portable

4.1.3. Less convenient

4.2. Present Payment

4.2.1. Counterfeit bank notes

5. Future trend

5.1. Increasing use of electronic money

5.2. Mobile phone as a payment method

6. 2000BC

6.1. A form of receipt

6.2. First Stage

6.2.1. Symbols represent commodities

6.2.2. Metals represent stored value

7. Present Payment

7.1. Cash

7.1.1. Coins

7.1.2. Banknotes

7.2. Cheque

7.2.1. Different Banks

7.3. Electronic money

7.3.1. Credit Card VISA Master Card

7.3.2. Debit Card American Express

7.3.3. EPS

7.4. Octopus

8. Ancient Payment

8.1. Barter

8.1.1. Ancient Money Seashells Beads Metal