A chance for hope in Haïti's latest crisis

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A chance for hope in Haïti's latest crisis by Mind Map: A chance for hope in Haïti's latest crisis

1. crisis

1.1. rotting corpses

1.2. lack of drinking water

1.3. imminent famine

1.4. imminent cholera

1.5. outgunned police force

1.6. violent gangs control ports

1.7. violent gangs control major roads

1.8. violent gangs control the airport

1.9. violent gangs freed prisoners

1.10. violent gangs threaten to overrun the presidential palace

1.11. violent gans murder

1.12. violent gangs kidnap

1.13. violent gangs rape

1.14. violent gangs demand the resignation of the prime minister

1.15. assassination of president Moïse

2. hope: international aid

2.1. international security force

2.1.1. restoration of security

2.2. resignation of prime minister

2.2.1. transitional government restoration of democracy