Sheave Assemblies and Towers (Ch.3) - Towers

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Sheave Assemblies and Towers (Ch.3) - Towers by Mind Map: Sheave Assemblies and Towers (Ch.3) - Towers

1. Towers

1.1. Support towers

1.2. hold-down towers relating to the type of sheave assembly they hold

1.3. Design and Construction

1.3.1. Portal tower OR shape of inverted U (gate) the rope passes thru the portal tower construction

1.3.2. a Mast or Pylon tower (single support member) the rope runs on either side of the tower column (tubular, колонна)

1.3.3. lattice tower (решетка, как линии электропередач) used for larger installations, like gondolas and tramways

1.4. Tower Heads and Lifting Frames

1.4.1. Tower head horizontal frames(beams) on the top of the tower column. S.A. attach to them. crossarms also hold lifting frames (allows to do dif. maintenance works)

1.5. made of steel, past - wood

1.6. Work Platforms and Ladders

1.6.1. where staff can conduct maintenance , attached to the tower head

1.6.2. ladders provide access to towers

1.7. Tower Foundation/footings

1.7.1. anchor the tower

1.7.2. is subject to pressure from wind and snowcreep

1.7.3. made of concrete that was put in the hole and hardened

1.8. Tower Installation

1.8.1. poured-in-place method a hole is excaveting in the ground and filled with concrete

1.8.2. the formed foundation method