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Carlos´s Life by Mind Map: Carlos´s Life

1. work

1.1. learning activities

1.1.1. learning in the field of action

1.1.2. relationships with products or services

1.1.3. industrial and commercial activities

1.2. work life

1.2.1. do things right

1.2.2. relationships

1.2.3. recreation

2. work life

2.1. corporative values

2.1.1. relationship with company products and services

2.1.2. good treatment of the products

2.1.3. sense of belonging

2.2. social life

2.2.1. good treatment by colleagues

2.2.2. teamwork

3. family and relationships

3.1. Parent and family values

3.1.1. love

3.1.2. learning

3.1.3. respect

3.1.4. honestly

3.2. family

3.2.1. love

3.2.2. respect

3.2.3. good relationship