Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 by Mind Map: Chapter 7

1. Shelley uses Dramatic Irony throughout this chapter.

1.1. While Justine is accused of being the one that murdered William, Victor knows deep down that his monster was possibly the one that had done so.

2. Analysis of Characters

3. Victor-

4. Victor recieves a letter that his brother William has been killed and realizes that it was his monster that killed him. His reaction to the letter shows a lot about his character. Though he is overwhelmed with grief, his thoughts soon turn to his anxieties about returning home for the first time in so long. Victor's decision to keep the monster a secret in order to preserve his reputation reveals his self-absorption and selfishness. Meanwhile Justine is being accused of Williams murder beacuse Victor won't come out with the truth about what he created.

5. Elizabeth-

6. Elizabeth gives William a locket with Caroline's picture in it the day he was killed. When discovering his body the locket was gone. Elizabeth began to blame herself because she believed that he was killed because someone wanted to take the locket from him.

7. Literary Techniques

8. In this chapter, Victor learns that his brother, William, is dead.

8.1. (This tragic news is announced just after Victor plans on returning to his family back home after being away.)

9. Major Plot Points

10. Theme Development

11. Loss of Innocence

12. The monster loses his innocence as he kills his first victim and Victor loses his innocence as he becomes responsible for not only the death of his brother but the false accusation of Justine

13. Revenge

14. This is the first time the theme of revenge appears in the novel. The monster has killed his first victim to get back at Victor and Victor is enraged that this happened.

15. Later Victor finds his creation, the monster.

15.1. (Victor feels that the monster is what caused the death of his little brother.)