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SLA Role by Mind Map: SLA Role

1. Student support

1.1. one-on-one academic skills support

1.1.1. this becomes more targeted and scaffolded - referred students who do not meet designated milestones what is our responsibility and what lies with lecturers? e.g. new ways of learning etc.

1.2. orientation

1.2.1. how will this change?

2. Unit contextualised academic skills support (include generic skills here? CH)

2.1. embedded or bolt-on resources

2.1.1. these become more integrated within unit content as opposed to stand-alone resources is this a short term commitment? or do we imagine these being continuously updated?

2.2. team teach workshops with lecturers

2.2.1. is this long term or short term?

2.3. collaborate with lecturers on learning activities

2.3.1. these become more important ideas as to what these would look like?

2.4. collaborate with lecturers to upskill

2.4.1. this becomes more important ideas as to what this looks like?

3. **Post-2024**

4. Student learning experience

4.1. clarity of rubrics and assessments

4.2. clarity of LMS

4.3. consistency of academic skills across course

4.3.1. where possible given school limitations

4.4. school-based projects

5. Student support

5.1. one-on-one academic skills support

5.2. one-on-one academic integrity support

5.3. one-on-one LAP case management

5.4. orientation workshops

6. Unit contextualised academic skills support

6.1. embedded or bolt-on workshops

6.2. embedded or bolt-on resources

6.3. team teach workshops with lecturers

6.4. collaborate with lecturers on learning activities

6.5. collaborate with lecturers to upskill

7. **Pre-2024**

8. Staff support for enhanced student learning (change heading later?)

8.1. Long term: provide academic support, advice, training and resources for learning activities and feedback.

8.1.1. what do these look like specifically?

8.2. Short term: Part of the School Learning and Teaching team to progress CT/ programmatic assessment across courses and map academic, communication, generic and learning skills across the course to the milestones/CLOs and identify evidence to be produced at each milestone

8.2.1. what will this look like on an ongoing basis after the next 3ish years?

8.3. Learning technologies

8.3.1. what is our role here? GenAI, portfolio etc

8.4. What remains the same from pre-2024 student learning experience?

9. post-2024 Academic Skills

10. pre-2024 Academic Skills