Night and Day

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Night and Day by Mind Map: Night and Day

1. Content standards

1.1. Model curriculum is earth and space science

1.2. The topic is Cycles and patterns in the solar system

1.3. For kindergarten that is talking about the sun the moon and the stars, and talking about different times of day and night.

2. Files

3. Glog Design

3.1. I want the design of the blog to be half night and half day with features found I each of them.

3.2. I want to use imitates that are true to fun things that night and day have that are different.

3.3. I want to use the video for a central theme through the blog the night and day being on each side of the glog

4. Video and Websites

4.1. First website:

4.2. Second Website:

4.3. Third Website:

4.4. Video: