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English by Mind Map: English

1. Module 9

1.1. Various Ways of Business Communication

1.1.1. Exchange Ideas with Others in the Office

1.1.2. Making Conclusions in Meetings

1.1.3. Reading articles using the SQ3R method

2. Module 8

2.1. Make Promises and Give Detailed Explanations

2.1.1. Making Promises in Business

2.1.2. Provide a detailed explanation

3. Module 7

3.1. Job Application Letter and CV

3.1.1. An Application Letter

3.1.2. Curriculum Vitae

4. Module 6

4.1. Letter of Appreciation

4.1.1. Thanking in Formal/Business Communication

4.1.2. Informal Thanking Letter

5. Module 1

5.1. Two ways to communicate in English

5.1.1. Informal/casual language

5.1.2. Formal language in business

6. Module 2

6.1. Things you learn in business

6.1.1. In the office

6.1.2. Part of speech dan Basic Punctuation and Capitalization

7. Module 3

7.1. Writing Informal Emails and Business Memos

7.1.1. Writing Informal Emails

7.1.2. Business Memo

8. Module 4

8.1. The Art of Correspondence in Business

8.1.1. Understanding Various Business Letter Formats

8.1.2. Elements of a Formal Business Letter

9. Module 5

9.1. Letter of Request

9.1.1. Letter of Request

9.1.2. Complaint Letter