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Humanism by Mind Map: Humanism

1. Religion

1.1. church

2. Music

2.1. Inspiration from antiquity

2.2. Plyphony

2.3. classical music

3. Literature

3.1. Harmony

3.2. Present time

4. Sculpture

4.1. Represent human body

4.2. accurate

5. Painting

5.1. Classical art

5.2. Harmony of colors

5.3. Symmetry

5.4. Own unique style

6. Architecture

6.1. Inspired by greco-roman architecture

6.2. Invented the loggia

6.3. Balance and harmony

7. New vision of Humanity

7.1. People at center of ideas

7.2. people are respnsable

7.3. optimists

7.4. People are free

8. Science

8.1. Theories

8.2. Leonardo Da vinci

8.3. Nicolaus Copernicus

9. Knowledge

9.1. Education was very important to humanist

9.2. Humanists were interested in everything

9.3. Verified every sources, very honest.