Video Game Ideas

Dont mess around and work on ideas for game, i will ban

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Video Game Ideas by Mind Map: Video Game Ideas

1. Music "Theme Song"

1.1. Kaden Evenson

2. Character Ideas

2.1. You play as yourself.

2.1.1. Players can take a picture of themselves and then use that as a character etc. Needs more thought and work

3. Theme Ideas

3.1. Mideviel

3.2. Ancient Rome

4. Story line

4.1. Military

4.2. CIA

4.3. Game Affected By Actions?

4.4. Midevil Discovery

4.4.1. Time Machine

4.5. FPS? 3PS?

5. Game Cover

6. Advertising

7. Website

7.1. Noah Can >>>>

8. Click Here For A Link To Some Great Ideas

9. What System?

10. Game Names?

10.1. Vortex

10.2. Midevil, Civil War 2 World War MI

10.3. Battle Of Ages

10.4. Time War(p)

11. Game Modes

12. All Weapons

12.1. Medieval

12.2. Modern

12.2.1. Scar H

12.2.2. L96 SR

12.3. Ancient

12.4. Future

12.4.1. Ray Gun

13. Environments

14. Fundamentals Of Starting A Game "Click Here!"