Braches of Governement

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Braches of Governement by Mind Map: Braches of Governement

1. Legislative Branch

1.1. conducts oversight investigations, ratifies treaties, passes resolutions, makes laws

1.2. Includes House of Representatives, and the Senate

2. Checks and Balances

2.1. purpose: so not one branch of government has more power than an other

2.1.1. Define actions as necessary

2.2. Judiciary, Executive, and Legislative branches all have powers to affect each other and keep each other in "check"

3. Judicial Branch

3.1. Judges

3.2. interprets laws, resolves disputes under the law, sentencing offenders

4. Executive Branch

4.1. laws are enforced, makes rules and regulations, recognizes foreign nations, proposes federal budgets

4.1.1. Dependencies

4.1.2. Milestones

4.2. The President

4.2.1. Schedule

4.2.2. Budget