Owner Onboarding Workflow

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Owner Onboarding Workflow by Mind Map: Owner Onboarding Workflow

1. Day 1

1.1. Day 3

1.1.1. Day 5 Day 7 Day 9

1.2. Day 0

2. iOS Launch

2.1. Retool

2.1.1. Automated Notification from "Go Live Completed" Website Launch Launch Call/ Test Order

2.2. Apple Dev/Stripe

2.2.1. Developer Invite Payment Verification Meeting Apple Enrollment Meeting

3. DUNS Integration

4. Legend:

4.1. Sales

4.2. Launch Specialist

4.3. App Specialist

4.4. Automation/ Rev-Ops

5. Launch Initial Call

5.1. Yelp

5.2. Google Business Profile

5.3. Stripe Account

5.4. Domain Access

5.5. Owner Dashboard

5.6. Sales Close/Won

5.6.1. Create SF Onboarding Case

5.6.2. Hot Hand Off

6. Launch will Schedule Mobile Call

7. Android Launch

7.1. Retool

7.1.1. Stripe Account Linked

7.1.2. Menu with 2 Photos