1. pangia
1.1. Breakup influence on evolution
1.1.1. And the formation of the supercontinent
1.1.2. Change in ocean currents
1.2. Affect on global climate pattern
1.3. Mass extinctions and life on pangaea
2. gigantaism
2.1. pre histroic animals
2.1.1. megladon
2.1.2. mammoth
2.1.3. paraceratherium
2.1.4. perucetus
2.2. Impact on food webs and ecological balance
3. Adaptations
3.1. physcical
3.1.1. limb modifications
3.1.2. sensory enhancement
3.1.3. faethers
3.1.4. scales
3.2. behavioral
3.2.1. migration
3.2.2. hunting techniques
3.3. factors
3.3.1. environmet
3.3.2. competition mass extinction
3.3.3. food availability plant diversity
4. rocks
4.1. Modern day discoveries
4.2. Formation of the mountainous regions
4.2.1. Grand Canyon
4.2.2. Himalayas
4.2.3. The Alps
4.3. Planets and moons (extraterrestrial)
5. fossils
5.1. 95% of ocean life wiped out
5.2. How they provide historical information about the make up of animals/earth
5.2.1. Ethics on fossil trade
5.2.2. investigating tracks
5.2.3. analysing faeces to look at diet
5.2.4. comparisions to modern species
5.3. Advances in technology
5.3.1. obtaining DNA from fossils
6. paleontology
6.1. modern daymarine predators and prehistoricmarine predators
6.2. Diet of huge predators
6.2.1. hunting stratagies camoflauge survival of the fittest high speed pursuit coordinated attacks
6.3. Pop culture representation of dinosaurs
6.4. Paleobotany
6.4.1. difference in geological periods
6.4.2. plant and animal interractions