Gjermundson Morris Browser Wars

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Gjermundson Morris Browser Wars by Mind Map: Gjermundson Morris Browser Wars

1. Mozilla Firefox 21

1.1. Pros

1.1.1. Excellent website compatibility

1.1.2. Competitively fast

1.2. Cons

1.2.1. Opera and Chrome still faster

1.2.2. Lacks popular audio & video codecs support

2. HTML5 Readiness

2.1. Chrome 27

2.1.1. 463

2.2. Opera 12.10

2.2.1. 419

2.3. Firefox 21

2.3.1. 399

2.4. Explorer 10

2.4.1. 320

2.5. Safari 5

2.5.1. 258

3. Opera 12.10

3.1. Pros

3.1.1. Visual tabs & mouse gestures

3.1.2. Built in mail & torrent client

3.2. Cons

3.2.1. Extension gallery not so extensive

3.2.2. No standard shortcut keys

4. Apple Safari 5

4.1. Pros

4.1.1. Fast performance and browsing speed,

4.1.2. Easy access to most visited pages

4.2. Cons

4.2.1. Add-ons limited and not useful

4.2.2. Heavy memory and system requirements

5. Define

5.1. Browser - A software program that allows the user to find and read encoded documents in a form suitable for display, especially such a program for use on the World Wide Web.

5.2. Browser Extension (plug-ins) - Is a computer program that extends the functionality of a web browser in some way. Depending on the browser and the version, the term may be distinct from similar terms such as plug-in or add-on.

6. Chrome 27

6.1. Pros

6.1.1. Extremely fast

6.1.2. Built-in flash and pdf viewer.

6.2. Cons

6.2.1. Requires an internet connection to install,

6.2.2. Takes more HD space than Firefox and IE.

7. Explorer 10

7.1. Pros

7.1.1. Improved web standard compliance

7.1.2. Tracking protection

7.2. Cons

7.2.1. V9 not compatible with XP

7.2.2. Rebooting required after installation and long installation time

8. Marketshare